Plastic Bags Are Actually Way Worse Than We Think, But These Hacks Could Help

Aug 20, 2018 by apost team

We all know that plastics are detrimental to the environment, but recent studies show they are worse than we ever imagined. Here a few ways you can reduce the negative impacts.

Exactly How Bad Has It Become?

Plastic waste has been a major problem for decades. millions of birds and marine life fall victim to plastic waste every year. Over 100 billion bags are disposed of annually in America alone if you can believe it. Americans use over 180 billion straws a year too. The University of Hawaii At Manoa recently conducted research that suggests plastics are a hidden source of greenhouse gas emissions.

You can read an interview of the study leader on LiveScience. The study discovered that plastic bags break down into methane and ethylene when exposed to sunlight. The Center For Biological Diversity has estimated that 140 plastic bags produce the same equivalent pollution of driving for 10 miles. Certain types of polyethylene can even emit gases without the presence of sunshine.

1. Invest In Reusable Shopping Bags

Most supermarkets and grocery stores are starting to provide their customers with environmentally-conscious option to reduce the use of plastic waste. You can pick up a few reusable bags the next time you go shopping. Just keep them stored in the car so you don't forget to grab them when you leave the house.

Reusable bags tend to be tougher and better quality anyways. That will help you avoid dreaded bag-ripping and having to pick up all of your groceries off of the sidewalk. It's a win-win for you and the earth.

2.Mason Jars

A great alternative to plastic-ware is investing in some glass storage jars. You can get them at your local big-box stores for a cheap price. They keep your food air tight and conveniently portioned without the added plastic taste. Glass will definitely last longer than plastic so you won't have to replace your storage containers for a very long time.

3. Stainless Steel And Microwave-Safe Glassware

When you pack your lunch for work try using stainless steel lunch containers or glassware containers. Heating your food in plastic squares certainly doesn't have any positive effects on your health. Kick the health-risks with a better substitute. Glassware and stainless steel isn't expensive, but the state of our world is priceless.

4. Non-Plastic Straws

Tons of major restaurant chains are opting out of plastic straws and you should consider doing it too. Metallic drinking straws are cutting-edge style now. You can look even cooler while you sip your organic smoothie.

5. Carry Your Own Tumbler

A lot of the plastic consumption in the modern world is from bottled water. If you keep your own beverages on you when your out and about, you'll really reduce your carbon-footprint. You'll save money too.

If you think a classy thermos is too much of an investment you should try counting the amount of money you spend on drinks during the week. Chances are, you could afford to buy several a week if you cut out the soft-drinks and bottled water.

6. Avoid Fast-Food

Your body will thank you and you can rest easy knowing you're helping the environment. Take-out restaurants usually package their meals in convenient plastic and styrofoam containers that unnecessarily add to the problem. You'll be better off enjoying a nice meal at a dine-in restaurant without the hassle of pollution.

7. Plastic Silverware

How many plastic spoons and forks do you use a day at the office? You could be creating wheelbarrows full of waste a year for no reason. There are several manufacturers that offer travel cutlery kits that will be perfect for you where convenience is concerned.

8. Lighters

Most lighters are bought at gas stations and the majority of them can't be refilled. It's easy to overlook, but disposable lighters account for a good chunk of plastic waste. Having a few matchboxes in the cupboard or a matchbook in your pocket will cost pennies on the dollar.

9. Use Natural Cleaners

There are so many do-it-yourself alternatives to the harsh chemical cleaning agents that are available. Baking soda, lemons, vinegar, and other natural cleaners will work wonders in your home. You'll get more use out of them and your house won't smell like a chemical plant. This is a really great tip to follow if you have young children and pets. You won't have to worry about the hazards of chemical agents anymore.


If you really want to make a difference, then go out and volunteer. There's no better way to save the environment for the next generation than taking a stand against littering and pollution. Get in touch with a local cleanup group or go out on your own. You hold the future in your hands one piece of plastic at a time.

How much of an impact do you think plastic has on the environment? Let your friends know how you feel and what we all can do to change things for the better - and pass this on to your loved ones.