Pizza Restaurant's Note To Homeless Man Caught Digging In Their Garbage Goes Viral
Sep 06, 2018 by apost team
In a small American town, a beautiful scene transpired only a few days ago. In this town, which will go unnamed, homelessness is an increasingly serious issue. A local pizza joint stepped up to combat the epidemic, and the results are inspiring.
The town will be the first to admit that it has its fair share of issues. Homelessness is on the rise. Littering is rampant. The drug scene is flourishing. It would be easy for residents to cynical and unreceptive to change. They aren't, however, and that is no more apparent than with a local restaurant that went out of its way to make an impact in one homeless man's life.
It can be easy to forget that homeless people are, in fact, human. Even phrasing things in that manner can be uncomfortable, but the fact remains that people all too often fail to acknowledge those down on their luck as valued members of society. Given a string of unfortunate circumstance, it could just as easily be you and I in such dire straights.
A local Priest, Angel Garcia Rodriguez, is heavily involved with the plight of the local homeless population. He has gone out of his way, time and time again, to offer these locals some relief, and they have responded in kindness.
Now Rodriguez is singing the praises of a local Little Caesars, where according to him, an act of God has just taken place. this Little Caesars, staff noticed something was amiss when, night after night, their garbage was littered about the street. Concerned, management checked their security tapes. What they found is truly sad — A local homeless man had made the restaurant's dumpster his stomping ground, and would arrive each night to eat the garbage found within. staff was horrified.
Management couldn't believe that such an atrocity was taking place right under their noses. They were so horrified, in fact, that they resolved to do something. Very few people, let alone the collective staff of a mid-tier restaurant chain, would have such an enormous capacity for compassion. This Little Caesars proved themselves to be cut from a different cloth with what they did next.
In an emotional attempt to reach out, the restaurant hung a sign on their door, asking the man to stop eating from the garbage and come inside for a full course meal. A complimentary full course meal, of course. They noted that they would commit to providing the man with this food for as long as need be, and even more inspiring, they would pay for it out of their own pockets.
We should all try to emulate the humanity found in this restaurant each day, even if only in small, seemingly insignificant, ways. If you enjoyed this story, please pass it along to your family and friends!