Pick A Rune To Discover Something Fascinating About Yourself

Oct 26, 2017 by apost team

Runes have a mystical connection and are thought to predict your future and success. They come in a variety of shapes and have different meanings according to its magical use. Choose a rune from the ten pictured below and we'll tell you what your attraction to this symbol reveals about yourself. 


1. Birchwood

This is the symbol of birth, fertility and personal and physical growth. Your family might be growing soon! But it is also the symbol of anxiety and family problems, which means you may feel anxious about someone close to you and feel that you have lost control of the situation. 

2. Elk

This is the symbol for protection. You feel a need to protect others and serve as a shield for those close to you. You can identify enemies easily, but it's sometimes difficult to get to know you better because you keep a stiff guard up. 

3. Gift

You chose the symbol for generosity and balance. You are careful about the contracts you sign and partnerships you accept because money is important to you. You are quick to help someone if they ask, especially financially. People are envious of your money management skills.

4. Chariot

This is the symbol for travel. You are always dreaming about your next adventure and looking for new beginnings. You always have the bigger perspective and are very energetic. You strive for personal growth, but you may jump from job to job and hobby to hobby to keep yourself satisfied. 

5. Bison

This rune symbolizes strength. You are courageous, strong, and wise. You welcome sudden or unexpected changes because nothing is too difficult for you to handle. You maintain a clean and neat appearance and are extremely confident, but people may not always trust you. 

6. Water

This is the symbol for healing and organic growth. You have a big imagination and many fantasies but this can lead to poor judgment and loss. You understand that your dreams are your own and you need to work to achieve them, but everything can become overwhelming and you stumble a couple times before reaching success. 

7. Ice

You chose the symbol for challenges. This rune reinforces other runes and serves as a leader of sorts. You thrive in leadership roles but obey the rules and rarely make exceptions. People may think you are a cold person when they first meet you, but you are actually fair and can think clearly and rationally to solve problems. 

8. Sun

This rune symbolizes success and honor. You enjoy living a healthy life and stay focused on your goals. There is a huge victory in your near future. You are not easily fooled and have a sharp mind, which makes you an ideal leader or role model. 

9. Column

You chose the symbol for justice and authority. You fight for what you believe in, though you may get out of control sometimes. You often have success in legal matters you're great at persuading others to do the things you want. You are rather competitive, but you still know how to keep it fun. 

10. Giant

This is the symbol for danger. You like to live on the wild side and often take risks. You enjoy the rush and thrill you get from performing dangerous activities, but your friends and family worry about you. The Giant is also the symbol of fertility and change, which means your family could be growing soon.

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