People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days A Week, Experts Claim

Sep 19, 2016 by apost team

Do you often feel tired and distracted? It's probably because your brain is overstimulated! Find out more!

Stressful jobs wreak havoc with our health regardless of how old we are. However, a study conducted by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research showed deterioration in the performance of those in and over 40s working more than 30 hours per week.  

Middle-aged people slogging more that 50 hours a week showed worse cognitive impairment than those who were retired or unemployed.

3500 women & 3500 men aged 40 and above participated in the study which required them to complete cognitive function tests. Skills such as reading aloud, recalling numbers & matching letters were monitored through a survey known as the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA).

Created by Professor Colin McKenzie, the test assesses an individual's 'thinking' and 'knowing' abilities. Intellectual stimulation such as brain puzzles is necessary to retain cognitive functions as one grows older but too much stimulation can have a negative impact.

The study showed that long working hours can cause stress and fatigue which can harm or even damage cognitive functions. Many don't have a choice and simply can't afford to sustain on part-time jobs.

At a time when many countries are looking at raising the retirement age, Professor Mc Kenzie, one of the authors of the study, believes that the degree of work may have an important bearing on the stimulation.

Professor McKenzie told the press, “It’s very difficult to identify the causal effects of the type of work on cognitive functions. People may be selected into certain occupations according to their cognitive abilities.”

So 'Use it Too Much or Lose It?' is the question that the study poses and the answer lies in the balance. That doesn't come as a surprise to most of us, but the study serves as an important reminder!

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