People Love This Impromptu Piano Performance On The Side Of The Road
Jun 04, 2018 by apost team
Along the side of the road was a brown wooden piano, seemingly abandoned by its owner. As it sat against a small tree in the rain, it looked to be lonely. However, it wouldn’t be for long.
Why? Because here comes a man around the corner in a traffic warden uniform. When he sees the piano he looks around before walking up to it.

He uses one hand to play a few of the keys. Next, we see his right hand add to the bass line. But what he does next will really blow you away!
As you see traffic flying by, this man begins to really lay into the piano, banging out a-rockin' tune. He isn’t even distracted when an ambulance goes racing by with sirens and lights blaring!

Sometimes we are surprised when others show off talents that they have previously kept hidden. But this isn’t the case with Brendan Kavanagh! Brendan is actually a professional pianist, also known as Dr. K. Dr. K’s media company was on hand to record and upload his public performance for the world to see. His YouTube fans love watching him show off his many talents and eagerly wait for more videos!
Neither traffic nor light rain stops Dr. K from performing this amazing song. You’ll soon see why it is so spectacular!

Wearing the hat allows his glasses to stay dry while he is playing. He doesn’t have to move his hands to wipe them off at all! This particular costume was definitely a great selection due to the weather. The “Boogie Woogie” selection was also an excellent choice. This is a popular musical genre of the late 1920s. This particular genre started in Texas, according to Pianists then spread it around the country in places such as St. Louis and Chicago where it began to pick up in popularity.

Some believe that this style of music is only limited to the piano, but that isn’t true. It is often used as a background to singers or within smaller combination groups. Many people enjoy it because it is extremely upbeat and fun to listen to.
Are you ready to watch Dr. K show off a surprise performance on a rainy street? Check out the video below and see why he is such a highly regarded musician!
What did you think of Dr. K and his music? Let us know in the comment section! Don't forget to let your friends know about this amazing video!