Peeing In The Shower Is A Smart Idea And Here Are 7 Reasons To Prove It
Sep 10, 2018 by apost team
Do you pee while taking a shower? It would not be unusual for someone to shrug their shoulders after sharing this information with them. To be honest, conventional wisdom will tell anyone that it’s not sanitary to pee in the shower.
The University of East Anglia has made a stunning discovery. According to their research, peeing in the shower is great for you and the world. This sounds weird, but it’s imperative for you to keep an open mind before you denounce their theory.
The university found out that 187 gallons of water could be saved within one year if everyone on campus peed while taking a cold or hot shower. Let’s take a close look at seven reasons why peeing in the shower is not a bad idea.
1. Peeing in the Shower Saves Money
The research conducted by the University of East Anglia shows that this unusual bathroom behavior would help the school save over $230,000 a year. Now it’s important to mention that you will not save this amount of money, but your monthly utility bill will go down. I don’t know about you, but every little bit helps.
2. Help Save the Planet
Administrators at University of East Anglia stated that they could save enough water to fill up an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times over. Can you imagine how much water could be saved if we started peeing in the shower? We must also point out that there would be less toilet tissue flowing through the sewer systems.
You don’t have to be a member of the X-Men or Avengers to save the planet. You can help the planet by peeing in the shower.
3. You Will Not be in the Minority
You may not be aware that a recent study shows that more than 80% of people have admitted to peeing in the shower. Contrary to popular belief, peeing in the shower is natural. You would be surprised at how many of your friends and family members pee while showering. They’re just not comfortable talking about it.
4. Practice Better Hygiene
It may shock you, but peeing in the shower is more hygienic than peeing in the toilet. This is especially true when it comes to women. Many women don’t know that wiping urine off their private area with toilet tissue can introduce bacteria to their urethra. This can cause a serious infection. Do you really need this in your life?
Women should play it safe when it comes to safeguarding their health in the bathroom. This may sound weird, but peeing in the shower is safer than peeing in the toilet.
5. Practice Your Aim
Hey guys, girls know how to aim their pee. It’s comes down to knowing how to manage your muscles. With a little practice in the shower, women can learn how to direct their flow in a certain direction with ease.
6. Keep a Cleaner Bathroom
I don’t think anyone in the right mind wants to use a dirty bathroom. Men are usually the culprit when it comes to someone peeing all over the toilet. Isn’t that disgusting?
Peeing in the shower is the best option. The urine will flow down the drain, and you can clean the shower afterwards.
7. It is Fun
Peeing in the shower makes you feel like you’re a renegade going against the system. It makes you feel like a little kid. Just give it a try.
It takes a bold person to ask someone if they pee in the shower. Society may view this as odd behavior, but it’s more common than you think. At the end of the day, peeing offers some advantages that are too hard for us to ignore.