Owner Tells Dog He Passed The Treats To The Cat—He Gains Internet Fame With His Reply
Oct 06, 2020 by apost team
A video featuring an adorable German Shepherd is titled “Ultimate Dog Tease.” The video has amassed an amazing number of views since it was first posted in 2011. It features a beautiful dog having a voice-over conversation with his owner about different types of human food.
As the owner describes the food in great detail, you can see the emotion on the dog's face. As the dog speaks back with the owner, he longs for the delicious human food that the human describes to him! But the major plot twist happens at the end of the video when the human reveals who he actually gave the food to!
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Although cat videos predominantly take over the internet and go viral quite often, there are plenty of videos featuring every species of animal that you can watch when you need a smile or a laugh. Videos featuring adorable dogs have a cult fanbase on the internet.
People love posting and sharing videos of their dogs doing all different kinds of things, from fetch to police work, to funny quirks.


In this particular video, it's the voiceover that makes it hilarious and popular. The owner talks about the delicious food in the fridge but he also talks for the dog, who's looking at the camera with his puppy dog eyes.
First, he talks about bacon, then beef, then chicken. But he teases it out until we find out who he really wanted to give the delicious meat to.

The YouTube channel it was posted to, titled Talking Animals, surely could have never expected such an amazing response!
German Shepherds are a very popular and loved breed, making this video even more lovable with audiences all around the internet. Whether you enjoy the breed or not, we’re not sure that any dog video will ever be as popular as this precious moment.
Watch now and decide for yourself!
Who knew that animals having conversations with humans would be so entertaining to watch? What do you think about this video? Is it one of your favorite viral videos of all time? Do you have another personal favorite video featuring a dog?