Officer Mentors 6-Year-Old Without Arms, Boy Dreams Of Being A Detective

Dec 11, 2021 by apost team

People with disabilities face many challenges in their lives, but that does not have to hold anyone back from achieving their dreams. One boy born without arms or leg bones is proving this by befriending a police officer who agreed to mentor him to become a detective someday. The boy’s name is Harrison Humphries, and Rolf Seiferheld is the officer that meets with him every week.

From Duluth, Georgia, Harrison was born with a rare genetic condition that caused him to be born without arms, hip bones, fibulas or femurs. At first, doctors said he might never walk on his own, but the young boy has already proven them wrong at the age of 6. Now, Harrison goes to school, gets himself dressed and leads a full life by learning to use his feet as hands. 

Harrison met Seiferheld when the cop was downtown on patrol. The boy shared his dream of becoming a police officer when he grows up, and Seiferheld knew that he could help. Just by showing up and spending time with Harrison, letting him look at his equipment and answering his questions, he has made a huge impact in this boy’s life. They meet downtown every Friday, and Harrison sees Seiferheld as his partner.

Both Seiferheld and Harrison’s mom, Tara Humphries, want others to know that just because some people look different and have different needs, they still deserve to be treated with respect and not ignored or met with fear. Keep reading to learn more about Harrison and Seiferheld’s awesome partnership.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

When Harrison was asked by the 11 Alive news team the reason why he wants to be a detective when he grows up, he said it was to "help people get better.” This boy, who has faced so much hardship already by the age of 6, wants to dedicate his life to helping others. Harrison might truly be an angel.

The police officer had a similar reason for choosing his career path. "Be kind, and treat people how you want to be treated. Show them the respect they deserve," Seiferheld said. This man seems like a great role model for any young person. 

Tara is most appreciative of the way Seiferheld treats her son. She shared, "Not many people will take the time, or sometimes they're scared.”

The mother added: "Harrison was born without arms, and the absence of leg bones, so his hips, fibulas and femurs. But we were told he would never be able to walk, never be able to feed himself, never be able to do anything.”

Harrison couldn’t have proven the doctors more wrong. Tara said, "So he brushes his teeth, his hair, tries to get himself dressed.” It is hard enough getting any 6-year-old to brush their teeth, so Harrison’s independence is awesome to witness.  

The young boy already has big dreams for his future. "He wants to be a detective, or the head police in charge," Harrison’s mom explained

There are still many years to go before Harrison can start becoming a detective, but Tara can already see the benefit that Seiferheld has had on her son’s life. She shared, "I think this is a relationship that can continue to grow, a partnership, which is what a community should be.”

What do you think of this special partnership? Did this story touch your heart? Let us know, and be sure to send this along to your friends and loved ones.

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