No Mature Woman Really Bothers Herself With These 11 Things

Oct 30, 2018 by apost team

Women that are mature know everything there is to know about theirselves. They know what makes them happy and where they want to spend their time. A mature women knows exactly how she wants to live her life.

She isn't willing to sacrifice herself or things that make her happy to bend for the world and what others want. She is clear about what is important to her and the things that she simply doesn't care about.

Here is a list of things that a mature women doesn't have time for. This list could give you a chance to see where you stand in maturity. If you care about these things, maybe you need to do a little more growing up to consider yourself a true adult. On the other hand, if you don't care, welcome to adulthood.

1. The truth can hurt and you don't mind sharing it.

You don't mind telling someone the truth, even if it hurts. You wouldn't intentionally hurt someone but if they need the know the truth, you will tell them. You treat others with honesty because you care about them. You don't believe in withholding the truth to save feelings.

2. Your body isn't perfect and that is completely fine.

You're 100% good living in your own skin. You know it's not perfect and doesn't need to be. You love who you are inside and out. You feel like others should too and if they don't, that's their problem, not yours.

3. Being a part of the "in crowd" doesn't appeal to you in the least.

It doesn't matter to you if you fit in with the rest of the world around you. You don't care or feel the need to be liked by everyone. You realize that popularity is only a status quo. This is something that doesn't matter to you at all. You want people to accept you for you and not your status.

4. You aren't worried about people from the past that you no longer associate with.

You don't care about people that are no longer a part of your life or what they are doing. They aren't in your life anymore so why would you worry about them. You cut them out of your life for a reason and feel you don't need them. You're at peace without them being around and don't stress over where they are or what they could be doing.

5. You could care less what others think about you.

You are confident in who you are and you don't need assurance from anyone else about that. You don't need others opinions or encouragements. You surely don't care what someone thinks about how your dress or your "attitude".

6. Gossip is not worthy of your time.

You're not one to gossip. You don't like talking about others. If someone else brings gossip to you, you simply change the subject or shut it down. It's just not worth the time or the trouble it can cause

7. Trends, brands, and the amount of money you spend is unimportant to you.

Keeping up with trends is not something that you are going to spend time on. And, you also aren't worried about a brand or how much money you spend on an item. You know what matters to you. You don't need to follow other people's lead about what to wear. You're happy with your choices.

8. Single or not, you're fine.

It doesn't matter to you if you are in a relationship or if you are single. You know that being single gives you the chance to grow and love yourself more and being in a relationship can pose the opportunity to love and be loved by someone else. But, you don't have a need for someone else. You know that life is just fine alone.

9. Being nice isn't important like it used to be.

You used to strive to be nice and happy with everyone. It's just not that important anymore. Sometimes you need to be mean and you don't have a problem with that. It's not like you're on a mission to be a rude person, but sometimes it's needed to get what you want out of life. I think we have all heard the phrase "nice guys finish last".

10. Small talk isn't worth your time.

You would rather not talk at all if it means that you have to come up with small talk. You can do it and are good at it, but you avoid it if possible. A meaningful conversation means more to you.

11. You like to be right but you know that you can't be right all the time.

Being right feels good but it's not that important to you. You know that everyone can't be right all of the time. If you aren't right, you admit it quickly. You know that it's ok to be wrong. You accept it, admit it, and move on.

How do you fit in this list? Do you know someone who needs to see this and do some growing up? Show them this list so they can make some changes in their life.