No-Go: This Is How You Ruin Your Relationship Completely Unconsciously
Oct 16, 2018 by apost team
Your relationship is going through a crisis even though you seem to be doing everything right? Your subconsciousness may be at fault. Small things that we do every day quite unconsciously, but which do not go down well with the other person - perhaps just as unconsciously. The solution: Make yourself aware of the following four common relationship killers and find out how you can unconsciously destroy your relationship.
If you are always thinking about yourself and not seriously interested in the other person
Do you have the feeling that your partner is not interested enough in you? Ask yourself how much you are actually interested in them day after day. Do you inquire every day how they are doing, what their day was like, and then listen to them with interest? Disinterest and selfishness can imperceptibly drive a wedge between you and your partner. At some point, your partner will inevitably look for someone to listen to them.
When you're having fun at their expense
Human dignity is inviolable and this also and especially applies to partnerships. For a person it is particularly degrading when their mistakes are ridiculed or criticized in public, perhaps even in front of their own family or friends. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to take it easy now and then and laugh about your own mistakes. Don't take everything with a pinch of salt. This will also make it easier for your partner.
If you keep dragging up past mistakes
The little peculiarities that everyone has can grate on your nerves over time. What was cute in the beginning slowly becomes a problem. Through constant criticism, however, you push your partner away and they build up an inner wall against you. But: Nobody is perfect and you yourself are happy if your partner can overlook your minor mistakes and bigger quirks and does not remind you of them permanently.
But what if it's already come to a fight? An absolute relationship killer is not to be conciliatory. So if you want to ruin your relationship, give your partner a cold shoulder, give them the silent treatment for days or constantly remind them of their past mistakes.
If you manipulate your partner
It gets really bad if you mentally harm your partner in such a way that you destroy their self-confidence bit by bit. By making them believe things aren't what they seem. By making fun of what they say instead of taking their concerns seriously. This is a form of mental violence that can slowly but surely undermine a relationship.
The extreme form, in which the victim is consciously manipulated by their own partner, is called "gaslighting". During this process, the perception of the other is deliberately changed by various manipulations and the trust of the relationship is exploited. Never go that far! It'll break your relationship!
If you notice one or the other behaviour in yourself, please consciously try to change before it is too late! Give your partner the chance to be who they are. A good relationship consists of many small actions and words that we do or not do day after day, week after week, month after month.
And if this article has helped you, why not talk to your friends about it and give them the opportunity to take their relationship to a new level. Show them this article!