Niagara Falls Collapsed In The Fifties And It's Wholly Caught On Film
Sep 04, 2020 by apost team
Environmental reasons caused Niagara Falls to collapse in 1954. This shocking event that happened more than 60 years ago to the natural world wonder was caught on film and has recently been posted online.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.
Niagara Falls is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world, and every person should try to see it at some point in their lives. It is not only an awesome sight to behold, but it is also a fun vacation spot for people on honeymoons or those who are adventurous types.
The falls are situated on the U.S. border with Canada, so they can be viewed from either country. The Canadian side might offer a better view, but either side is worthwhile to see this wonder.
In 1954, an earth-shaking event happened that changed some people's perspectives about the natural world. Many people who lived in those years might not even know about it, but the people who witnessed it can never forget it.
There were some people there to observe the falls, and they noticed ahead of time that cracks were forming. They realized that something catastrophic was happening. Shortly afterward, tons of rock and dirt from the front of the falls collapsed.
Someone was able to set up a motion-capture camera and film the event. You can watch it happen today and hear the news reporters commentary as it occurs.
The news piece is entitled Niagara Rock Slide. Workers tried to stop the collapse, but equipment at that time was not equal to the task. A total of 185 thousand tons of rock fell in the cataclysm.
Were you aware that Niagara Falls had collapsed decades ago? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and send links to this story for your friends online.