New Survey Says Families With 3 Kids Have The Most Stressed Moms

Oct 29, 2018 by apost team

Raising a family is something that is always going to be stressful. You now have a whole set of financial obligations that you did not have before. This doesn't even take into account the other responsibilities that you will have to have in your life.

While raising a family can be a difficult thing to do, the number of kids you have will correlate to the stress you have. In a recent survey, moms said that they are the most stressed when they have three kids.

Having more than three kids will be less stressful

The study showed that once moms have more than three kids, they feel like they have it together due to experience. They no longer feel like they have to be perfectionists about the way they parent their kids. However, when you only have two or three kids, you feel like you don't really know what you are doing.

This is when you feel the most overwhelmed about your parenting skills or the lack thereof. Moms have said that when you have two kids, you have two arms. While this may not seem like a big thing, imagine not being able to hold all of your kids' hands while crossing the street. This can be a shock that most mothers can't deal with.

A lazy partner can cause mothers a great deal of stress

When you have a partner who isn't helping you at home with the kids, you are going to deal with an elevated level of stress. You need to make sure that you are able to talk to your partner if you feel like this is something that is contributing to your stress. There is nothing like feeling overwhelmed while also feeling like you don't have your partner helping you.

Having three kids can make you stressed about not being able to get everything done

The number of kids you have can really correlate with you feeling like you can't get everything done. Trying to help all of your kids with their different activities can get very draining. It is important for mothers to choose a number of kids that will work best for their family.

How many kids do you have? Where do you rank on the stress level? Let us know in the comments, and pass this article along to a parent with 3 kids to get their opinion!