New Moon On August 30th Will Bring An Intense Wave Of New Energy And Positivity

Aug 30, 2019 by apost team

A new moon is rising tonight as August nears its end. The sign Virgo will hold this moon close which means it may be time to start a new project, welcome change into your life, and find new inspirations in places you haven’t looked. This supermoon signals the start and finish of the monthly lunar cycle.

The sun’s rays will fall on the Moon’s furthest side meaning it would be practical to shed light on hobbies you have never undertaken or uncovering dreams you may have forgotten about.

The new moon will be in close surroundings to Mercury which is Virgo’s ruler. Mercury holds a strong connection to the sun since it is the planet that is closest to it.

In many ways, this act of nature channels our own habits and routines. A start and finish to this monthly lunar cycle signals starting new positive routines and finishing old or bad habits.

It is a recharging time but also time to become very motivated in your actions in your work life and personal relationships.

Make sure to take everything you can from the new energy this moon will bring. In addition to taking on new projects or friendships, it's important to also clear old, unfruitful ones out. 

Mercury’s close intensity may help with summoning courage to end relationships or projects that have resulted in bad investments.

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