Never Ignore These 8 Symptoms That Warn You When Your Body Needs More Calcium

Nov 07, 2018 by apost team

It's sometimes easy to determine if your body is lacking a certain vitamin or if you need to eat something to raise your blood sugar. A deficiency that isn't always easily detected is calcium, but there are a few signs that you can pay attention to if you think that you need more of this essential mineral in your body.


Your skin might get very dry and appear scaly if you have a calcium deficiency. A lack of calcium can also be linked to other skin conditions, such as eczema.

Feeling Fatigue

Sometimes, you might not feel like doing anything during the day. While this is normal after working, staying up late, or if there is another type of deficiency in your body, you need to pay close attention to fatigue if it's combined with other symptoms. Try to get as much calcium in your diet in healthy ways each day. Examples include eating yogurt or drinking a glass of milk.

Feelings Of Depression

Calcium can often regulate your moods during the day. It's known as a sedative and can calm your mind and offer a relaxing feeling. As your body continues to have a decrease in the amount of calcium that it has, you'll likely begin to notice that you feel even more depressed.

Brittle Nails

Your nails shouldn't break off at the drop of a hat. Feel your nails to see if they are hard or soft. If they are brittle or you see white spots underneath your nails, then you could have a calcium deficiency.

Lack Of Sleep

Calcium levels tend to go up and down while you sleep. If you don't have enough calcium in your body, then you might be tossing and turning all night long. It might be easy to fall asleep, but staying asleep will usually be difficult until you build calcium levels again.

Neurological Issues

A sign that some people don't know a lot about is paraesthesia. The nerves in your body are impacted, such as those in your fingers or your feet. You could feel a tingling sensation, or you might experience shaking while you're trying to perform an ordinary task, such as writing or tying your shoes.


A healthy immune system is often linked to calcium, and if you find that you're getting sick more often, then you might need to increase your calcium each day. Your body can't resist some of the bacteria and germs that invade it if there is a low level of calcium.

Touchy Teeth

You've probably been told that calcium is important for the health of your teeth. That's because most of the calcium in your body is located in your teeth as well as in your bones. If there isn't enough calcium, then you might notice teeth that are chipped or toothaches that are hard to overcome.

Yellowing of your teeth is also an indication of a lack of decrease in calcium levels.

Do you think you may be suffering from a calcium deficiency? Let us know in the comments and spread the word so your friends and family are aware of what to look out for!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!