Nervous Girl Takes Deep Breath Then Silences Room With Emotional Song Choice On The Voice Kids
Mar 25, 2020 by apost team
Young Juliette sang a beautiful rendition of Rachel Platten's song 'Fight Song' at The Voice Kids, Belgium 2017.
For most people, singing in front of judges and a national audience would be a panic-inducing nightmare. But for Juliette, it was a dream come true. She went immediately to work after finding out that The Voice Kids: Belgium had granted her an audition to sing on television. She practiced Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” for many months before the big day and made sure she memorized every word and note. She knew that when the big day came that there would be no room for errors on stage!

Juliette didn’t allow her nerves to mess her up. She kept up her relaxed, bubbly attitude the whole time that she was on stage, even after being shocked at how close the judges’ chairs were. The chords to her song began to play and Juliette took a deep breath. It was her time on stage and her time to show the world what she was made of! She started off singing her musical selection a little bit shakily. However, it didn’t take her long to find her inner strength and tackle the song head-on. The judges listened carefully to the voice of this young, beautiful girl as she quickly pumped up the room. They wanted to make sure that she could nail every note. The judges waited until the final seconds of her song to make their decision.

Would all three judges decide to turn their chairs? Would any of them? Or maybe they would all pass up the opportunity to choose this amazing girl! As Juliette belted out the song her parents stood on the sidelines watching eagerly. While the judges did seem to have a delayed reaction, they knew that their daughter’s talents were amazing and that any judge should be lucky enough to welcome her to his or her team.
Are you ready to see Juliette’s performance for yourself? Check out the video below and listen to this amazing rendition of “Fight Song” that Juliette performs. You’ll see why her future is so bright!
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