My Kids Have A Strict Bedtime: Here's Why
Sep 27, 2018 by apost team
It seems like every aspect of parenting is a source of controversy. People argue about how to punish children, what to feed them and how to educate them. Every parent seems to have strong, polarized opinions about what you have to do to raise your child right. Bedtimes are no exception to this rule.
The Polarized Topic of Bedtimes
There seem to be two main opinions about bedtimes. One group of parents sets early bedtimes for their children and demand that the bedtime be adhered to each night. The other group of parents does not bother to give their kids a bedtime at all. Instead, they just let the kid fall asleep whenever they feel tired.
As a mother, I have to admit that I am a part of the control freak group. I have a set bedtime for my children, and they have to go to bed at that time each night., this approach can run into problems. When a friend asks about fireworks for the Fourth of July, our family cannot attend. Fireworks only happen late at night, so there is no way that the children would be able to make their bedtime. Most likely, they would not be able to stay awake that late if they wanted to. Since they are used to a 7:30 p.m. bedtime, they would be fast asleep before the sun even set.
While watching fireworks is definitely a benefit you get when you have a relaxed bedtime, a strict schedule can definitely help with parenting. When your child is still an infant, you can start getting them used to a schedule. Children are bound to wake up with bad dreams and need comforting. They also have no concept of sleeping in. As a parent, the easiest way to get more sleep is to go to bed early with the children. When you get woken up by a wet bed or a midnight rendition of “The Wheels on the Bus,” you will at least have a few hours of sleep to operate on.
An Early Bedtime Does Not Hurt the Child
Small children have no concept of time. They do not realize that an early bedtime is any different than what other children have. Other children might be outside playing or enjoying a moving at home, but our children do not realize that. They only know that it is time for bed.
Some parents seem to feel guilty that other kids are playing outdoors while their child has to go to bed. In reality, there is nothing to worry about. The child has no clue what is normal for other families, so an early bedtime does not hurt them. Plus, kids need a good night's rest. If they do not get enough sleep, they become grumpy and difficult. Well-rested children are definitely my number one priority. I will take happy, healthy kids over a good social life every chance I get.
Do What Works Best for Your Family
This does not mean that I judge friends who let their kids go to sleep late. Watching fireworks and the ball drop on New Year's Eve are beautiful memories to have. There is no reason why anyone has to adopt my bedtime schedule, but I am certainly not going to give it up anytime soon. are families where children regularly stay up until 10 p.m. While I could not imagine having my kids up that late, this schedule must work for them. Other parents are probably equally shocked by how early my children go to bed. There is nothing wrong with either option. Parents and children have to choose the bedtime approach that works best for them as a family.
Some children are night owls and sleep in the next morning. Other children are able to operate on less sleep than my kids. It would never work for my children, but I am sure that there are kids who can have a late night without being grumpy. ZivkovicWhen it comes down to it, I secretly love that my children go to bed so early. It gives me and my husband a chance to have adult time while the children sleep. We get to talk without shouting over a crying infant or breaking up a fight over a toy.
Obviously, my children will not keep the same bedtime forever. As they get older, their bedtime will naturally become later at night. When they are able to operate with less sleep, they may even get to stay up late to see the fireworks or go to a late-night event. Until they can handle a lack of sleep without being grumpy, they will continue to have an early bedtime.
What time do your children go to bed? Let us know if you believe in strict or relaxed bedtimes for little kids and show this article to your friends and family to see what they think!