Mother Makes Heartbreaking Social Media Plea About Her 3-Year-Old Son Being Bullied For His Hair Color Has Gone Viral

Sep 12, 2018 by apost team

Bullying is sadly still prevalent in our culture, despite numerous efforts to curb it through increased awareness. People who are seen as different will be called out and tormented about things that are not their fault and are often quite lovely. Noah Gilbert, a three-year-old boy, was made to feel ashamed for his red hair. In response, Noah's mother, Lauren Russell, took to Facebook to detail the suffering that her son endured. 

What Happened

The incident took place on the bus. Russell was riding was Noah when she noticed a teenage boy making cruel remarks about her son's hair. These included saying that his hair looked "disgusting" and that the other boy would kill any children of theirs with ginger hair.

A Young Mind

Such behavior is abominable under any circumstances, but to treat a child as young as three this way is especially reprehensible. Though Noah may be young, he was clearly mature enough to know that he had been mistreated.

A Painful Experience

Russell reported that he was continuously asking about having his hair altered in order to be accepted. To know that her child was so self-conscious about being accepted weighed heavily on her. After all, aren't children supposed to be carefree? Unfortunately, being told that you're inferior because of something that's part of you can cut deeply. The boys who bullied her son demonstrated intense cruelty without remorse.


But Russell has used this unfortunate experience as a teaching opportunity, for both Noah and the world. On Facebook, she asked for help with showing Noah how much acceptance and kindness there is in the world.

Support and Love

Messages poured in for Noah. They told him about how loved he was and that his red hair was anything but a liability. Advice was shared about showing Noah prominent red-haired celebrities, to let him know that he's not alone with having red hair. Lauren reported that the messages helped his mood greatly.

What happened to Noah was awful, but it's great to know that he and his mother have found a silver lining through the support of others. When people are cruel, the lesson is not to respond with aggression or spite. Instead, we must learn to bring out the beauty in the universe. No amount of unkindness can outweigh the sum total of kindness to be found in the world. We encourage you to follow the example of Noah and his mother and to remember how much decency is around you. Show this to friends and family members to help them be inspired as well.