Mother In Car Overrun By Flood Waters Calls To Say Goodbye - Then She Sees An Angel's Hand
Oct 22, 2018 by apost team
When it comes to flood waters, you can't be too careful. Every year, we all hear about the awful stores of those who endure a loss due to flood waters. It can happen in no time. Once second you are driving safely along in a simple rainstorm and then suddenly, you're being swept away by flowing water.
That's exactly what happened to a lady from Blairs, Virginia. She almost died on October the 11th. Kim Drawdy was on her way to work when she found herself in quite a predicament. She hit a wall of water and began to slide away towards a riverbank. That is when she called her husband and kids to tell them goodbye.
This is how her story goes. She remembers how scary it was. There were more than 30 feet of water that took her car sliding away. When she tried to get out, the car flipped. Water began rushing in. It was a terrifying event, she recalls. She struggled to get out of the flipped car for 20 minutes. Debris was bashing her and she was exhausted. Just when she thought there wasn't any hope, Billy Wilson showed up.
In no time, he was able to rescue her. She collapsed in his arms and began hysterically crying. She knew that he had just saved her life. He was her hero.
She wasn't the only one he attempted to help that day. Drawdy witnessed him attempting to help another woman who was battling the flood waters, Jennifer Mitchell. Unfortunately, Wilson wasn't able to help her. He was devastated and heartbroken. He just fell to his knees when he was unable to save her.

Drawdy owes her life to Wilson and wants to repay him in some way. She's begun a GoFundMe page to help raise funds for the man who didn't think twice about risking his own life to help a stranger.
She set a goal of $2000 in order to repay him for nearly sacrificing his own life for hers. Wilson will never be forgotten for his amazing selflessness and Drawdy is a great lady to do this for him. She knows that money can't repay him for her life but at least will help get things set for him and his daughter.
If you live in a flood-prone area, you need to be alert and be careful. If there is any doubt, just turn around. You can't be too careful and your life is never worth trying to make it wherever it is you need to go. Thank goodness this ending was a happy one for Drawdy, but it could've ended much worse.
Does this article make you think twice about trying to drive in water that you are unsure of? You need to let others see this that live in flood-prone areas. They are sure to benefit from it.