Mother Gives Birth To Son Only For Doctor To Tell Her A Month Later She Had Actually Given Birth To A Baby Girl
Apr 27, 2020 by apost team
We all understand that doctors are humans and occasionally make mistakes; however, it’s rare to find a story where doctors are wrong about a child’s gender! Surprisingly enough, that’s exactly what happened to a couple in South Africa. The Hiscocks were happy to welcome a second child into their life, but a rare genetic condition caused confusion over the child's gender.

Madeleshia Hiscock and her husband were thrilled to discover that they were pregnant with their second child and, like most new parents, were most anxious to discover whether their new baby would be a boy or a girl.
During the first prenatal scan, the doctors informed the couple that they thought that they were going to give birth to a second daughter. The next two scans confirmed the doctors’ first suspicions, ensuring them that they were going to have a little girl whom the parents chose to name “McKenzi”.

But everything changed at the fourth scan when the doctors announced that it appeared the baby was not going to be a Mckenzi, but instead a little boy! Instead of being upset, the parents were both excited about the prospect of welcoming a son into their home. Since they already had a three-year-old daughter, Zadeleshia, the hope of a little boy was thrilling.

However, the questioning about the baby’s gender didn’t end at birth. When the baby was born, the doctors announced that it was a boy - only to begin to second guess themselves after a closer examination of the baby. Tests began to reveal that the baby might, indeed, be a little girl. Ultimately, doctors determined that the baby was a boy and sent it home with the parents.
While mom was happy with a little boy, she began to doubt that the doctors were right in their decision and felt as if something was seriously wrong. Despite this, Madeleshia and her husband moved forward to christen the baby as “Kenneth” and also kept it as a male on birth certificates.

After consulting a professional, however, they were in for quite a surprise: Baby Kenneth is actually a little girl! Born with a rare genetic condition called “congenital adrenal hyperplasia”, the baby simply contained an overabundance of male hormones which caused ambiguous genitalia, but she is actually a female, according to The Daily Mail. Despite her unusual introduction to the world, baby McKenzi is a happy, adorable little girl who enjoys spending time with her sister.
Had you heard of this rare condition before? How would you have reacted to the confusion? Watch the video yourself to learn more about this remarkable story, and be sure to pass it on to others who would like to hear it too.