Mother Decides To Carry Dying Baby To Term So Her Donated Organs Can Give "Other Babies A Second Chance"
Apr 03, 2019 by apost team
Motherhood is an infinitely rewarding journey, but it is not always the easy one. Any mother will tell you that they became a mother the moment they had a life inside of them not after their baby was born. Krysta Davis, a 23-year-old mother, had a challenging experience with motherhood
When she was only 18 weeks pregnant, Krysta was told by her doctors that her baby had a devastating anomaly that could not be cured. The doctors didn't think that she would be able to carry her daughter, Rylei Arcadia Diane Lovett, to term, but she did. However, due to Rylei's anomaly, Krysta only had seven days with her baby girl.
Davis told People, "It was definitely shocking. It was a huge heartbreak knowing that we’d miscarried previously and were having complications with this pregnancy. It was really hard to take in."
However, she said that she gave Rylei a lifetime of love in the seven days that she had with her. When the doctors informed Krysta and her boyfriend Derek Lovett that their daughter had anencephaly, they were heartbroken.
The doctors told them that it was an anomaly condition where parts of a baby's brain or skull are missing. They didn't have much hope that Rylei would live more than 30 minutes, after being born.
The couple had experienced a miscarriage back in 2017, and now, they were told that they only had two options with their daughter Rylei. Due to her condition, they could choose to induce labor or Krysta could carry Rylei to full-term and then donate her organs.
Neither of these choices were easy for the couple, but Krysta decided to give birth to Rylei in hopes of bringing meaning to her daughter's short life by helping other babies by donating her organs.
After carrying Rylei for 40 weeks and 2 days, she finally made an appearance on Christmas Eve, and she proved to everyone that she was a fighter just like her mother.
She held onto life and surpassed the doctor's projections. On New Year's Eve, Rylei left this world, but not after filling it with her light and strength.
Krysta admitted that it was hard to come to terms when Rylei was gone, but her daughter would live on, because her heart valves were able to go to two other babies, to help keep them alive.
They also donated her lungs to a research hospital, in hopes of providing answers to other parents in the future. Although her life was short, little Rylei's life meant the world to two other families, and her fighting spirit gave her parents a full week to show her their love.
Although hard to read, this is an amazing story of motherhood. Tell all of your friends about this heartwarming story to spread the word about Krysta Davis' selfless act of kindness.