Moms Slam 'Boomer' Grandparents For Not Respecting Boundaries
Jan 03, 2023 by apost team
Grandparents can be the sweetest, making them more charming in the eyes of their grandkids most of the time. When things get rough at home, kids even run to their grandparents because they feel like they can trust them more or won't judge them if they have done something wrong. While some parents may have some restraints each time their kids ask something from them, it's almost always the opposite in the case of grandparents who try to give their grandchildren what they ask for whenever they can. But sometimes, this can cause a problem between the kids' parents and grandparents. While grandparents only appear to show their love for their grandkids, parents might feel like the kids' grandparents are overstepping some boundaries.
Lisa Pontius has been very vocal in speaking her mind about the importance of setting boundaries in relationships.
One of her viral TikTok videos posted in June of 2022 addresses why she chooses to keep her kids away from their "boomer" grandparents. Pontius did not say which grandparents she was referring to, but it appeared that she was referring to her in-laws as she revealed that her parents have a healthy relationship with her kids.
She explained that setting boundaries means respecting their roles as parents and grandparents, respectively.
"I still have boundaries with my parents in regard to my children. They still have boundaries with me over when and how often and how much they're going to watch said grandchildren. We each acknowledge and respect each other's boundaries. That's how you have a mutually respectful, adult relationship," she explained.
Most parents seem to agree with Pontius' parenting, with some pointing out that setting boundaries only means protecting their kids.
"My parents can see my kids. My mother-in-law cannot because she cannot follow simple boundaries and is therefore unsafe," one parent commented on Pontius' post. To which she responded with:
Pontius told Buzzfeed in an interview that boundaries shouldn't be seen as a threat at all but instead looked at as a way to prevent resentment between parents and grandparents from building up over time.
"Boundaries don't have to be big or start a fight necessarily. Most boundaries I've set with my in-laws have been small things like that. Some have been bigger and needed larger conversations," she said.
"The word 'boundaries' scares a lot of people, they can be seen as threatening, but in reality, they serve to protect a relationship. Boundaries are a way to navigate these relationships in a way that resentments don't build," she added.
Pontius shared another video of her doing a lipsync of Taylor Swift's 'Anti-Hero' from the singer-songwriter's album 'Midnights' to address everyone who has been hating on her for setting boundaries between her kids and their grandparents.
Pontius said her relationships changed different aspects of her life for the better.
"As a former people pleaser I can tell you living my life with kindness and firm boundaries has changed my relationships for the better. Everyone loves a doormat, but no one respects one," Pontius wrote.
Another mom, a therapist named Princess Audie Reggie, affirmed Pontius' thoughts by saying grandparents' relationships are not a right but a privilege.
Do you agree with Lisa Pontius' stand about setting boundaries between grandparents and their grandkids? Let us know your thoughts, and pass this on to your family and friends!