Moments After Parents Tragically Kissed Their Dying Daughter Goodbye, A Miracle Occurs

Aug 22, 2018 by apost team

Ask any person with children and they’ll most likely tell you that one of the most precious moments in their life was witnessing the birth of their child. Lee and Francesca Williams experienced that moment themselves when Francesca gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Bella.

Unfortunately, that joy soon gave way to concern when, at 18 weeks of age, baby Bella began losing her hair. Matters became even worse when Bella fell ill during a family vacation. Rushing her to Colchester hospital in England upon their return, Lee and Francesca received terrifying news. An MRI scan revealed severe abnormalities on both sides of their daughter’s brain.

Doctors told the parents that they believed Bella was suffering from biotinidase deficiency, a rare genetic condition that prevents the body’s cells from absorbing vital nutrients. Showing all the signs of mitochondrial disease, Bella was put on life support. After a week, Lee and Francesca were faced with a nightmare scenario. The doctors had made the decision to take their daughter off of life support, and the parents had to make the heartbreaking choice to sign a “do not resuscitate” agreement.

The Williams family gathered to say their final goodbyes to Bella and take what they thought would be their final family picture with her. Lee and Francesca then stood by their young daughter’s bedside as the doctors turned off the ventilator. The parents held little Bella’s hand as her oxygen levels went down and her breathing slowed. But it was in this devastating moment that a miracle occurred.

20 minutes later, Bella was kicking and screaming with oxygen levels climbing back to 100 percent. The tenacious Bella fought to survive and pulled through. You can see Francesca tell the whole miraculous story here, as well as see an adorable and much healthier-looking Bella by her side.

Can you imagine the intense rollercoaster of emotions you’d go through as a parent in that situation? Being told that your infant child wasn’t going to make it, only for her to beat the odds? Give us your thoughts on this modern-day miracle.