Mom Warning Other Parents To 'Be Careful' After Discovering Red Blisters Inside Her 1-Year-Old’s Mouth
Aug 13, 2018 by apost team
Discovering a health issue affecting your child is one of the most heartbreaking things to deal with as a parent. When Samantha Rodgers, a mother from Iowa, discovered red bumps and blisters around the mouth of her 1-year-old child, she became extremely concerned for his wellbeing.
When Rodgers rushed her young son to the doctor, he got diagnosed with the common flu. Worst case scenario, the doctors said that he had possibly contracted a worsening case of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. The mother showed some signs of momentary relief, only for her son, named Juliano, to become worse. His symptoms increased, growing into painful and larger blisters that spread to his stomach and neck regions.
The next step was to test Juliano for HSV, herpes simplex type 1 virus. To the mother’s shock, Juliano’s test results for HSV came back positive. Rodgers has absolutely no idea how her son contracted this virus but was warned by doctors that it spreads very easily. Most people contract herpes from skin-to-skin contact, the saliva of an infected person, and even the less-common handling of objects that other infected people have touched.
Although the mother had no idea that someone around her child was infected with herpes, this infection could have happened just from receiving a hug and a kiss from someone. Babies are at higher risk of becoming infected with herpes because of their low immune systems that aren’t fully developed.
Rogers is heartbroken for her child because she realizes that herpes cannot be fully cured and this will be a lifelong problem for Juliano.
As for the baby, he is now undergoing treatment for his herpes, but should be able to return home soon and continue treatment from there. Rogers is now speaking out to warn others about what happened to her son Juliano. She advises others to be extremely careful about who handles their child in hopes to prevent another case of herpes in a child because anyone could be infected. She warns others to frequently sanitize their home, toys of the child and surrounding objects in order to prevent spreading the virus.
Although Juliano’s condition is a lifelong sentence, that doesn’t mean he will always have outbreaks, as they don’t always occur often. His mother is praying for the best with his new condition and warns others to be cautious.
Did you know a baby could contract HSV? Show this to your friends and family so this mom's warning can spread as far as possible! If even one case like Juliano's can be prevented, it will be worth it.