Mom Listens To Donor Son’s Heartbeat After His Death
Feb 17, 2016 by apost team
No parent should know the pain of their own child passing away. However, in 2013, Heather had to go through this nightmare when her son, Lucas, died under the care of his babysitter. Heather quickly decided that no other mom should have to experience the pain that she felt and donated her son’s organs to those in need. Four-year-old Jordan was one of three children whose lives were saved thanks to Heather’s selfless act. This little girl was born with a congenital heart defect and had spent most of her life in hospitals. Only recently, Lucas’ and Jordan’s moms met for the first time. This moment was full of emotions and gratitude and it is heartwarming to watch Heather listening to her son’s heart beat inside Jordan’s chest. Jordan also gives a teddy bear to Heather that has a recording of her son's heartbeat. In 2014, Donate Life released a statistic showing that about 24,000 organ transplants were made possible by more than 8,500 donors who had passed away. However, about 21 patients die every day since they don’t receive the needed donation in time. Watch this video and be a part of this overwhelming moment. If you feel for these families, please share this video with your friends and family.
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