Mom Lets Daughter Dress In Green For Picture Day, Turns Out The Photos Are Taken In Front Of Green Screen

Nov 27, 2019 by apost team

One family learned a valuable lesson about the importance of outfit selection on school picture day. A mother let her daughter wear a green dress to school and as she posed against another green screen for her school picture a bit of photo magic happened. 

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) -

Sweet little Addison decided to wear her favorite green dress to school picture day. Not thinking about how the dress would engage with the green screen that photographers use in the picture-taking process, Addison's mother Laura encouraged her to wear the dress.

Today's photographers are able to use the neutral green background as a backdrop and then edit in the selected background. However, the problem is that when you wear a green outfit, the clothes may take on the appearance of the selected background.

The green in the dress was the perfect shade to pick up on all of the selected backgrounds. This phenomenon provided for some absolutely hilarious shots. For example, in one shot, Addison's dress takes on the appearance of an American flag. In another shot, Addison's dress looks like a wheat field.

The one thing that is consistent in all of the photos is Addison's sweet smile. Laura was so amused by the pictures that she shared them with talk show host Rachael Ray. It did not take long for the pictures to go viral.

If you missed the pictures, now is your chance to check them out for yourself. After you have looked at the funny shots, be sure to spread the amusement to everyone else that you know. Not only will these pictures generate some laughs, but they are also a good lesson on what not to wear to school picture day.