Mom Insults Construction Worker, So He Introduces Himself And Puts Her Right In Her Place

Jun 22, 2018 by apost team

When you are shopping for groceries at a supermarket, you cannot be entirely sure who you are going to run into. In the eyes of one particular mother, Andy Ross was not living to the most desirable lifestyle. She wanted to make this clear to her only daughter.

Ross used this as an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive.

Andy Ross, who used to be a special operations medic, began working on construction not too long ago. While he was on the job, he noticed the stares of a little girl. He assumed this was because he was very dirty and did take issue or find it unusual. But the mother whispered to the girl, “That is why you need to stay in school.”

Ross then decided it was time to speak up.

Ross approached the mother and daughter and introduced himself. He educated the two on the fact that he happens to be highly educated and skilled, but construction is his preference of work. He actually does this job because he enjoys working with his hands, as opposed to an office job, as well as carrying out the noble task of helping his community to grow and prosper.

Next, the construction worker acknowledged that the mother may have been patronizing because of his tattoos. Ross explained that doing so could hinder her creative potential as a growing child, which would be an unfortunate setback. In fact, the tattoos were a representation of Ross’s pride in serving his country in combat as a special operations medic.

Lastly, Ross explained that he works construction by choice. He is a skilled man that capably provides for his family, so to make fun of him for choosing his line of work is quite distasteful. He educated her on the fact that his working position has nothing to do with his education or skill set.

While Ross did not have to approach the woman, he certainly made a positive impact on her that day.

You can learn from this story that blind judgment based on physical appearance does not yield the best results. It is important to look into one’s experiences to understand who they truly are at their core. We encourage you as the reader to think about the lesson portrayed in this story and let friends know about your experience.

Pass this article on to the people you love and remember to never judge a book by its cover!