Mom Gives Birth To Single Boy Then A Month Later Doctor Finds Unborn Twins In Undiscovered Second Uterus

Feb 12, 2020 by apost team

Arifa Sultana is a 20-year-old woman living in Bangladesh. She and her husband were overjoyed to discover she was pregnant and she gave birth to a baby boy in February 2019.

Imagine their shock when 26 days later, after experiencing severe stomach cramps, she then gave birth to twins. Arifa has a rare condition called uterus didelphys - she has two uteruses. As the medical staff weren't looking for a second uterus, it went undetected. 

Sultana, from a rural village, delivered her first baby at the Khulna Medical College Hospital in Khulna district.

Just 26 days later, she complained of stomach pain and was rushed to the Ad-din Hospital in Jessore district on 21 March. Dr. Sheila Poddar, the gynecologist who performed the Caesarean told the BBC:

"When the patient came in we performed an ultrasound on her and found there were twin babies. We were very shocked and surprised. I have never observed something like this before."

However, another gynecologist from Singapore, Dr. Christopher Ng, says uterus didelphys - the condition of having two uteruses - is:

"...not as rare as people think. If you go for a scan beforehand it would be very obvious to see two sets of uteruses. But obviously they are from a more rural area [and might not have access to ultrasound scanning]."

Sultana's twins are a boy and a girl. The 20-year-old and her three newborns were discharged on 25 March 2019 after four days in hospital.

Let us know what you think about this surprise second pregnancy. Give others the chance to marvel at it too by passing the link on to friends and family.