Mom, 44, Has 16 Children And Home Schools Them All While Running A Charity Supporting Military Families

Jan 30, 2020 by apost team

For most of us, the thought of having more than three or four children can seem overwhelming. As precious as children are, they certainly come with a lot of challenges, and most moms get worn out with the constant work.

A Palm Beach, Florida couple, Lyette and David Reback, obviously see things differently! The pair have managed to have 16 children and home school them too!

It all started back when Lyette was a little girl. As an only child, Lyette had to play by herself or find friends out of the home that she could spend time with. Despite the fact that Lyette had no experience with children and didn’t even do a lot of babysitting as a teenager, she always knew that she wanted to have a large family.

While Lyette knew that she wanted to have a lot of kids, even she admits that she never would have expected to have a family this big!

When Lyette was only 19-years-old, she met her future husband, David. The two hit it off instantly and fell completely head-over-heels for one another. A year later, they were married and a year after that, they were expecting their first baby. 

By the time that Lyette was forty years old, she had already given birth to eleven children and had added four extra kids to the home through adoption, as reported here in The Daily Mail.

Lyette has to admit that she has been called crazy even by friends. In a world where children are often viewed as a nuisance and inconvenience, the idea of having so many was hard for some people to comprehend.

Despite the critics, Lyette went on to homeschool all of her children – in a three-bedroom house! As well as being a mom, Lyette runs Believe With Me, a charity supporting military families who lost a loved one in service. 

Both Lyette and David agree that having this many children is what they were meant to do.

Have you ever known anyone with such a large family? Watch the video clip to learn more about Lyette and David, and then invite your friends to see it too!