Meghan Markle’s Father Thomas Hopes For One Gift From His Daughter As He Approaches New Life Milestone

Jun 25, 2024 by apost team

Meghan Markle’s story can seem like a fairytale at times — a famous actress meets a prince and they marry and start a family. Best known for her role as Rachel Zane in “Suits,” in which she appeared for seven seasons out of the show’s total nine, Markle also had a wide-ranging career outside of acting, which included everything from fashion to calligraphy and even being a lifestyle influencer. After it was confirmed she and Prince Harry were engaged, Meghan announced her retirement from acting in order to focus on being a full-time member of the royal family.

When the couple eventually tied the knot, Meghan was subjected to widespread harsh criticism from the public. Much of the initial criticism towards Meghan was rooted in her first marriage to film producer Trevor Engelson, to whom she was married for three years and divorced in 2013. 

In addition, days before her royal wedding with Prince Harry, Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle, catapulted into national and international attention when he allegedly worked with tabloids and paparazzi to funnel negative press and attention toward her daughter. 

Since then, Meghan’s relationship with Thomas has become fractured and strained. In a 2024 interview, Thomas opened up after being estranged from Harry and Meghan for so long. He shared what he wants his daughter to do for him for his 80th birthday, which he pointed out is the same one King Charles III wanted. Keep reading to learn more about Meghan, her strained relationship with her father, and his ultimate wish for his birthday. 

Meghan Markle (2018), (IMAGO / Paul Marriott)

Prince Harry and Meghan announced to the world on Jan. 8, 2020, that they would step down as senior working members of the British royal family in a move popularly dubbed “Megxit.” By spring 2020, the transition was complete, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were no longer carrying out royal duties. 

In March 2021, Meghan and Harry sat down for a tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey that touched upon their lives post-Megxit and revealed some of the struggles and issues the couples had surrounding Meghan marrying into the family. 

The interview also covered the familiar topic of mental health. Meghan critiqued the British monarchy as an institution, and Harry talked about relationship tensions with his father and brother. 

As a result, tensions between their small family and the most powerful family in the world have grown and created a wall between them. Scrutiny of Harry and Meghan has intensified, and people have started expressing their disdain for every move and decision they make, especially toward their children’s lives. 

Since then, they have lived in the United States with Meghan’s mother and their two children – Archie and Lilibet. Although Harry and Meghan stepped down from their duties as senior royals, they have not shunned the spotlight, appearing at public charity events and pursuing their own creative and philanthropic ventures. However, this move further widened the gap between Meghan and her father, Thomas

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Archie (2019), (IMAGO / Starface)


Thomas spoke about his daughter and son-in-law during a Channel 5 Documentary called “Thomas Markle: My Story.” Thomas said he believed his daughter was “destroying” the royal institution. 

“It’s disappointing because she actually got every girl’s dream. Every young girl wanted to become a princess and she got that, and now she’s tossing that away, for it looks like she’s tossing it away for money. Apparently $3 million and a 26-bedroom home isn’t enough for them.”

Thomas referred to Harry and Meghan’s UK estate — Frogmore Cottage. In 2019, the Royal Household released figures that showed how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had spent £2.4 million (equivalent to about $3 million) on renovating the Frogmore Cottage at Windsor into a family home. The cottage had previously been five separate residences, but the renovations conjoined the homes into one single property. 

In a statement made by the late Queen Elizabeth, she shared how it was Meghan and Harry’s “wish” that they “repay the Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home.” 

However, Thomas believed Meghan made an obligation to be a royal. “When they got married they took on an obligation, and the obligation is to be part of the Royals and to represent the Royals, and it would be foolish for them not to,” Thomas said. “This is one of the greatest long-living institutions ever and they’re destroying it. They’re cheapening it and making it shabby. It’s kind of embarrassing to me.”

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle (2018), ( IMAGO / i Images)

Many commenters were quick to point out that Thomas was the embarrassing one of the family for publicly bashing his daughter. One commenter stated

“What kind of a father would publicly betray his daughter like that? He is not a father in any meaningful way, no wonder she has been keeping her distance. And the media giving her a hard time. She is so lucky to have Harry, truly his mother’s son.”

Thomas and Meghan’s relationship became strained when Thomas was caught posing for photos leading up to Meghan and Harry’s wedding. Harry called him to ask him if he staged the photos, and Thomas revealed he lied:

“I denied it. All Harry asked me was did I pose for measurement for a suit, and I said no I wasn’t posing for a measurement for a suit, I was being measured for a new hoodie. That’s what I told them. And of course that was a lie. I lied to him. I’m not proud of that, but I did.”

Thomas also gave numerous interviews to journalists, which he was paid for and bashed his daughter on a number of occasions.

Meghan’s half-sister Samantha Markle, who is Thomas’ other daughter from another marriage, also scrutinized Meghan for stepping down. Samantha wrote a piece for The Sun where she condemned her sister’s actions amid the Megxit negotiations:

“My sister has ripped through the Royal Family like a tornado. With this historic institution close to collapse, we have to ask whether peace can really be found.” 

Prince Charles (2017), (IMAGO / PPE)

Aside from Meghan’s strained relationship with her own father, Harry also has a fractured one with King Charles. Since Charles was diagnosed with cancer in February 2024, reports have emerged that the king had longed for a relationship with his two grandchildren – Archie and Lilibet.

Charles did not forget Lilibet’s birthday, June 4, 2024, when she turned three. 

According to royal expert Tom Quinn, the king sent his youngest grandchild a gift and greeted her on her birthday. 

“King Charles had no intention of completely ignoring Lilibet’s birthday, so he sent a gift along with a message,” Quinn told The Mirror.

Quinn also revealed that Charles is saving a special gift for Lilibet after the royal family feud ends. 

“He gave Prince George a beautiful hand-made wooden swing with George’s name carved on it and he has plans to give something similar to Lilibet but not this year. And not unless and until the family feud dies down.”

Royal fans have shared their sadness on social media after Charles’ sweet gesture. 

“Very sad for Charles, but not his fault. Harry will come back to us because he will find that he isn’t loved for himself but as a stepping stone,” one said on Facebook. 

“It’s all so very sad! Especially for all the children involved!” another commented, echoing other sentiments saying, “He must miss his grandchildren so much xxx [sic].”

Charles’ involvement in his grandchildren’s lives has since become a recurring conversation since he began treatment for his cancer diagnosis. Notably, Charles has only met Archie a handful of times and Lilibet only once. 

Insiders close to the monarch revealed to The Mirror that he has been “keener than ever” to focus on his family and his duties to “make up for lost time” after being instructed to keep his social engagements low. 

Thomas Markle, meanwhile, hasn’t met his grandchildren, and not even Prince Harry, once. 

“When I reflect back on my life, as you do when you are approaching 80, that’s one of the questions I cannot find an answer for,” Thomas wondered to The Daily Mail. “Why didn’t Harry ever come to meet me? He has the resources to fly around the world – and does – but why didn’t he come to see me?” 

According to Thomas, he never expected to be “in the same boat” as King Charles, as he pointed out that he, too, longed for a relationship with their grandchildren. 

“I would love to speak to him because I am sure he has as many unanswered questions as I do. Neither of us deserves the treatment we’ve received,” Thomas lamented. “I have so many questions I’d like to ask Meghan and Harry. The main one being, why have they treated not only me but the Royal Family and the King so badly.”

Thomas also argued that Archie and Lilibet are being denied their birthright to know their cousins and participate in royal traditions as they do. 

“The decisions Meghan and Harry have made will affect their kids for the rest of their lives. I find myself wondering how Archie and Lilibet will feel in a few years time when they realise all the things they have missed out on,” Thomas argued. 

Admitting that he’s never been one for birthdays, Thomas has only one wish for his 80th birthday. 

“I know the one person I most want to hear from, Meghan, won’t be in touch. I would love to meet my grandchildren, but I would be happy with a photograph at this stage,” Thomas confirmed.

What can you say about Meghan Markle and Thomas Markle’s relationship? Do you think Meghan would give her father a chance back into their lives? Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends, and other loved ones out there!

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