Massive Shelf Cloud Recorded on Video in A Parking Lot Looks Like Something From A Scary Movie
Aug 16, 2018 by apost team
These clouds are captivating masses. Illinois shoppers discuss a shelf cloud that they saw over Walmart.

Shelf clouds are always amazing sites to see, especially when they're massive like the one that was outside of the Illinois Walmart. Spectators stared in awe as they thought of words that would express the beauty and the fear that they experienced when they looked at the shelf cloud. There was a middle streak in between a top layer of clouds and the bottom layer of clouds, and it all had a tidal wave feel to it.

The whole mass was just suspended in the air captivating the minds of many Walmart shoppers. The shelf cloud was so impressive that it grabbed the attention of Grant Gilmore, a popular meteorologist. Gilmore stated that the cloud was the craziest that he had ever seen. Spectators had various comments and opinions about the shelf cloud. One person said that he felt that all people should run for the hills by the looks of the cloud. Other people notated that the cloud mass was just breathtaking and, it reminded them of the magnificence of nature.
Social media users posted a lot of different views and perspectives on what the cloud looked like and how it made them feel. It was an interesting day, and a lot of people got some very good pictures of the cloud mass that they were able to put online for you to see.

The meteorologist, Mr. Gilmore, reminded people that not all clouds represent impending doom even though they may look that way. He said that the mass did not necessarily mean that a massive storm was coming even though it looked like impending doom was near. To the contrary, he said that the way that the clouds were fractured look like the storm may have been weakening instead of strengthening. Gilmore went on to explain that the fierceness of the cloud mass was probably the amount of light that was hitting the clouds. The clouds in the background were darker due to the heavy rain.
Even if the cloud mass didn't mean anything, it still made for an interesting set of pictures. Take a moment to get a good look and tell everyone you know about it. See what they have to say about the way it looks to them.