Man Without A Baby Stumped When He’s Pulled Over For Not Having A Child Seat — Then His Wife Shows Him A Test Result
Nov 23, 2022 by apost team
Telling your husband he is going to be a daddy is quite a big deal. More moms are starting to get really creative with how they share their exciting news. Nikk Rock was no exception. She wanted to do something different that was completely outside the box. So she asked the local police for help staging a truly special car ride.
In April 2017, Rock wanted to tell her husband, Jarred Wright, she was pregnant in a unique way. She sat down and thought really hard about it. She decided she wanted to get the Hurst Police Department involved and they agreed. She knew it would be something her husband wouldn't expect.
As they were taking a drive, a police officer pulled them over. Wright, who was driving, appeared pretty confused about what he had done to be pulled over. The officer started walking up to the car when Wright realized he was a friend, Todd Colichia. However, that still didn’t stop Wright from feeling anxious.
After exchanging a little small talk, Colichia asked some general questions before then going into why he had pulled them over. He told Wright the reason he had pulled them over was because he was driving with a baby in the car but not in a car seat.
A perplexed Wright went on to explain that he doesn't have a child. The officer asked him over and over if he was sure. He then nodded towards Rock, who, unbeknownst to her husband, had been filming the entire exchange the whole time. She was also holding up a pregnancy test. As Wright turned to look at her, his face changed with the realization of what was happening. Rock then confirmed that they are indeed driving with a baby in the car without a car seat!
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

In the clip, Wright stared at his wife in disbelief for a few seconds before beaming with a smile when he was hit by the full force of the good news. He reached over and took the pregnancy test from Rock. Meanwhile, Colichia started to congratulate the dad-to-be. On the passenger side window, Colichia’s partner then appearred with a huge bag containing gifts for Wright. Wright pulled out a little teddy bear from the bag with a note attached that read, “Dad, see you on your birthday.” Apparently, the baby would be a double gift for Wright as it was due on his birthday too! He also pulled out a newborn onesie emblazoned with the words “I 💗 my amazing dad.”
The arrival of a baby was welcome news for the couple, especially Wright, an army war veteran who had served in Afghanistan from 2013–2014 and was battling PTSD. After the video of the surprise pregnancy reveal went viral, Wright started a GoFundMe page to help raise money to pay for constant hospital visits.
“I've been struggling with my psychological disorders; being admitted to an inpatient hospital twice within the last 6 months and numerous Emergency Room visits due to panic and anxiety attacks. I, actually, met the officers in the video during a very traumatic panic episode in November 2016 and ever since he's become a great advocate for my family and I,” he wrote.
With 56 donations, Wright was able to not only reach but exceed his target of $2,000 and raise $2,495 in the end. We’re happy for Wright and Rock and grateful they’ve made the sweet video of their pregnancy reveal so we can rewatch it anytime we need a little positivity boost!
How adorable was Wright’s reaction to the surprise reveal? Has anyone ever surprised you in such a way? Let us know and don’t forget to pass this along to friends and family, too.