Man Who Kicked Dog Watches His Car Get Destroyed After The Dog Returns With A Few Of His Friends
Aug 28, 2019 by apost team
You can’t help but smile when someone who was wronged is able to receive retribution. Even, or maybe especially, if that someone is actually a mere stray dog.
There are millions of stray dogs that, unfortunately, call bustling streets around the world their home. According to the World Health Organization, more than 200 million stray dogs live in the streets all over the world. And if that wasn't terrible enough, sometimes these dogs face especially unfortunate circumstances that come with the territory they live in.

A recent incident found one stray pup and his group of rag-tag friends as the “heroes” of the story. A man should have listened to the old proverb that says that you should “let sleeping dogs lie.” However, he learned his lesson the hard way when these furry heroes came back to get their vengeance on him. People that hurt animals are truly some of the cruelest people out there, seeing as most animals can’t fight back.
So what happened exactly?

A man in Chongqing, China, attempted to park his car in a local parking lot only to find a sleeping stray dog lying in his favorite spot, reported The Daily Mail. The dog wasn’t doing any harm otherwise. However, the man got out and kicked the sleeping dog to make sure he got out of there. He wasn’t prepared for the aftermath of his cruel, senseless act though.

Moments after the man left his vehicle, the dog returned with a few of his friends. The dogs immediately went to town on the car, biting the sides of the car and gnawing deep chew marks into the vehicle. They did a surprising amount of damage.
The person who caught the dogs’ revenge on camera wasn’t able to keep taking pictures long enough to see the owner’s face when he returned to find his vehicle heavily damaged, but we're sure it was priceless!
How great is this story of a stray doggie having the last laugh at such a cruel, ruthless person? It just shows that karma comes around for both good deeds and bad! Pass this story along with anyone who needs a laugh and a story that will inspire them to strive for good karma today!