Man 'Stuck In Traffic' Watches A Fight Between Two Oxen In The Middle Of Nowhere
Nov 23, 2018 by apost team
It's not everyday that drivers are stuck in traffic with no other cars around. This was the case for one man in Alaska who got stuck behind two oxen fighting one another. The two male oxen were fighting on the Dalton Highway that lies north of the Brooks mountain range. This area is within the Arctic National Park.

The driver calmly pulled over and filmed the ordeal instead of trying to drive through the beasts. The video clearly shows how prepared these animals are for the oncoming winter. Their coats are thick and warm. This specific species of oxen are protected from hunting in Alaska, Siberia and Norway. They reside in preserved areas and national parks.
The two musk oxen were most likely fighting because of the mating season. During this time of year, bulls will fight others for the right to mate. The dominant bull is in charge of their own herd. This typically comes with around six females and their children.

When fighting, these oxen stand roughly 20 meters apart and charge each other. Their lowered heads ram together. This continues until one of the oxen gives up from exhaustion or pain. Alaska is famous for its diverse wildlife.
Only a few miles south of the fighting oxen, some other drivers were treated to the sight of a colossal moose walking along the highway.

Robert Farris was able to catch the massive moose on camera. The animal stood roughly two meters tall. The ecstatic driver talked to the moose to try and grab his attention. The moose was walking on the median in between the two roads of the highway.
Despite Robert's attempts at communication, the moose was preoccupied with his nighttime stroll.
Robert explained that he was on his way to pick up his daughter when he saw the massive animal. He felt an obligation to film this rare sight for others to see. It is uncommon for Alaskans to see such a large animal up close.

The moose attracted more spectators than just Robert. In fact, one car drove in reverse in order to get a second glance at the massive animal. The driver could have risked an accident if the road wouldn't have been empty.
Fortunately, the moose made it to his destination safely. No person or animal was harmed during the ordeal.
Wow! Wasn't this a fascinating sight? Did you enjoy the video? Tell us your thoughts and show this story to a friend or family member who loves animals.