Man Spots Mailman Doing Something Outside Truck At Neighbor's He Refuses To Ignore
Dec 01, 2018 by apost team
Veterans, patriots, and lovers of the American way: lend me your ear. I have a story to tell and it's a story worth remembering. Despite the many struggles our country faces, there are still many brave men and women who stand against our adversity and put everything on the line just to proudly don our nation's colors with pride.
What you may not have guessed, however, is that these brave men and women are not only out on the field of battle or patrolling the streets to keep us safe.
Driving down the streets of Rochester, New York is a mailman by the name of Robert Franklin and although his job may not be what most would consider as the pinnacle of American success, Robert is a veteran and as great a patriot as anyone can be. Here is his story.
Thinking about the job of a mailman, your thoughts may go the incredible stress that comes with Robert's line of work. A mailman will brave the harshest weather conditions and the scariest scenarios you can find when approaching a stranger's house, all in an effort to deliver your mail.
As harrowing as the job may be, none of these potential dangers stopped Robert from stopping by a Rochester resident's house when he saw that said resident was raising the American flag in his front yard.
This act of patriotism moved Robert and he rushed out of his mail truck to offer a hand in raising the flag. When the resident politely refused the assistance, this is what happened next:
Who can say if it was pure instinct, developed from his time in the military, or just the immense love he had for his country, but he stopped, dead in his tracks, and gave a proper military salute, not moving an inch until the flag was fully raised.'s a level of devotion that I don't believe a lot of Americans, including myself, can muster, but Robert could and Robert did.
As you would hope, this action did not go unnoticed.
At a nearby neighbor's home, Michael Lambert caught Robert in the act and snapped a picture. After posting it on his Facebook page, Robert received high praise, which he modestly shrugged off.
What do you think of Robert's incredible act of patriotism? Let us know in the comments! There are millions of patriots like you who will be moved by this story; remind them what America is about.