Man Singing Famous Song In Coffee Shop Has No Idea Original Artist Is Right In Front Of Him
Jan 08, 2019 by apost team
What would you do if your favorite celebrity heard you singing? For those of us who only specialize in shower concerts for one, the thought is horrifying, but to one struggling musician, it was a dream come true!

Making it as any artist is hard. Musicians are a dime a dozen, so making yourself stand out nowadays takes talent, commitment and tons of unpaid gigs playing for people in hopes that your name will gain traction. Everyone who strives to share their music with the world performs with the hopes that, one day, they'll have that life-changing moment that transforms their career. For Clint “Kekoa” Alama, that day may have come.

Alama was playing the reggae song "One Day" at a coffee shop in Maui, an open ukulele case at his feet for any tips. A man approached to listen to the performance. At first glance, he's just another Hawaii local in flip-flops, board shorts, and a loose flannel, but closer examination will reveal he's none other than Matisyahu, the creator of the song Alama was performing.

Matisyahu was flattered by the performance, and his bass player encouraged him to sing along. At first, he was hesitant because he didn't want to offend Alama. In an interview with Billboard, Matisyahu explained that he was worried the singer wouldn't recognize him and just assume he was some random guy trying to "steal his thunder."
Eventually, he couldn't hold back and decided to chime in. When the performance is over, Matisyahu approached Alama and asked him if he knew who wrote the song before revealing his identity.

Alama was surprised, but his shock was about to grow tenfold when Matisyahu invited him to perform at a concert in Los Angeles. Together, they performed "One Day" for a packed audience, just like they did back at the coffee shop in Maui.
A customer captured the initial meeting and posted it online where it has been viewed over 2 million times. Check it out for yourself below and let us know about any chance celebrity-encounters you've ever had!
How would you feel if you got the chance to sing with your favorite celebrity? Let us know in the comments and pass this to your friends and family to brighten their days!