Man Risks His Own Life To Save Trapped Impala
Jul 02, 2018 by apost team
An incredible scene was captured on film at Zimbabwe National Park in Africa. The amazing video shows a scared impala stuck in a field of mud. The animal was unable to free itself and would have died of thirst or starvation in a matter of days. This is just how nature works, but one man decided that he needed to help the poor stuck animal.

The female impala could be seen struggling helplessly trying unsuccessfully to escape. Authorities knew something needed to be done quickly, so they decided to send a brave man out to help her stand up so she would be able to escape the mud. The man then waded through the mud field, secured only by a flimsy rope, and reached the location of the Impala.

The seven-minute-long rescue of the poor, helpless animal has gone viral and shared by those across the globe. The world celebrated the man and his selfless bravery to save a creature in need. Watch the video to see how the whole daring rescue plays out!
Would you put yourself in danger to rescue a helpless animal? Share this video to show your friends this man's incredible act of bravery and selflessness.