Man Rages About Flight Passenger Who Wouldn’t Move So He Could Sit Next To His Partner On Her Birthday
Mar 01, 2023 by apost team
It seems like almost every day, someone is having a hard time when it comes to seating arrangements while traveling, whether by bus, train or, more frequently, plane. Outside of paying extra to be guaranteed the seat you want, there’s little control over where we are seated. For those who aren’t alone, this could end up in travelers being seated apart. So it isn’t too uncommon to hear stories about them putting their faith in the kindness of strangers to end up with the seats they want.
However, the kindness of strangers is never a sure thing, especially when it comes to something that can be planned ahead. One Australian couple, Jay Kloss and his partner, Zoe Dufroux, learned this the hard way. In a TikTok video posted on Feb. 18, 2023, Kloss explained that he and Zoe had booked two seats in business class on their Virgin airlines flight that comprised a row of four seats separated in two by an aisle. Dufroux was seated in the window seat while Kloss had the aisle seat on the opposite side. As it was also Dufroux’s birthday, Kloss said he then asked the man seated next to her if they could swap seats.
“And he just looks at me, he doesn’t respond. I was like, ‘Is it possible if you switch to here?’ He was like, ‘No, I won’t, but I’ll sit here (pointing to Zoe’s seat),’” Kloss said in the clip. He said that wasn’t possible as Dufroux “isn’t a great flyer” and can get “super nauseous” so she needed to sit by a window.
The man remained determined to stay in his seat, leaving Kloss beyond frustrated.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video
Kloss raged in his video about the man’s behavior.
“Either way, he’s either getting the exact same spot, just on the other side of the aisle… It’s the same seat. So anyway, I’m like, ‘Bro, really? You sure you can’t swap seats with us?’ And he just doesn’t respond to me,” Kloss said.
Dufroux then attempted to convince the man again and asked if there was a problem. Kloss said the man responded: “Nah, no problem, just not moving.”
Kloss continued to seeth. “Am I missing something? Can somebody explain to me, what the hell is going on here? It’s the same seat, just on a different side of the aisle,” he fumed about the man he had earlier said in the video he “wanted to slap.” He said eventually, the man sitting next to him agreed to switch with Dufroux, so the pair ended up sitting together.
While Kloss may have vented thinking many would be on his side, he was in for quite a shock when a majority of viewers sided against him.
“It was the ‘same seat’ to you but not to him. I always book and pay for a seat exactly where I want it. end of story,” one viewer wrote while another said, “At the end of the day you shouldn’t expect anyone to move for you. Always determine seat availability before booking.”
“Why do you feel your reasons for wanting *his* seat are better than his? B/c he didn’t explain himself to you? He doesn’t owe you a justification,” another comment read.
However, Kloss did manage to garner some sympathy for his plight. One viewer wrote:
“I would have gladly switched seats. Same row, same type of seat. There’s no good reason to not move.”
What are your thoughts on Kloss’ reaction? Who do you think was in the right here? Let us know and pass this on to family and friends to get their views on the matter, too.