Man Creates A Heated Pool Using Only Rudimentary Materials And Primitive Tools And Attracts Millions Of Views
Oct 04, 2018 by apost team
Many of us dream of having our own backyard pool. If it is heated, all the better. But pools cost money to build and maintain. You have to hire a company to come in and assemble the pool, hire a separate company to fill it with water, and then constantly buy the materials necessary to clean and maintain the lining and water purity. It can be a ton of hard work to keep up.
We think this young man built an amazing pool, no matter what negativity he may have received. Check out the process for yourself below:

However, one young man knew of a unique way to get around the hassle of buying a commercial pool. You can find him on the YouTube channel known as “Primitive Technology Idea.” This young man wanted a pool and he knew just what to do to build one, using his own simple tools and materials.

His channel has videos of him recording what he does in the wild every day. To building his home to looking for food naturally to building a heated pool, this young man knows how to make use of everything in the wild. He recently uploaded a video showing users his process for building a homemade swimming pool, complete with a built-in fire to heat the water and a chimney for ventilation. He shows his viewers how he builds the pool, step-by-step, in the video you are about to see. Since then, the video has gone viral, gathering more than a million views.

He received many positive comments from viewers, especially from those who admired his amazing talents and unique ideas. One woman commented that it was great to see something so rare, as his approach to building a pool is much different than many others she has seen. Another viewer remarked that the idea was as “innovative as always” and that his construction skills have gotten better over time. One young girl even commented that she would live in a rain forest filled with snakes if she had a man like this build her a house.

Of course, as anyone who has ever uploaded a video to YouTube before knows, with positive comments come the negative. Some didn’t like the chimney system he installed, while others commented on how they would improve the pool. A physics teacher stated that he saw two problems with the pool. He believed that the rain may erode the stone and concrete to the point of it being useless and that the fire pit needs to have easier access in order to clean it. However, he did congratulate the poster on his design at the end.
What do you think of this cool swimming pool? Leave us a comment and pass this video on to show family and friends!