Man Charms Six Impossibly Adorable Baby Bunnies From His Garden

Sep 09, 2020 by apost team

Many baby animals are skittish of people. A British Columbia man found six baby bunnies in his garden. He wanted to become friends with them. The man used coaxing and small talk to get the bunnies to come out of the garden. Some even compared his skills to Disney levels.

The bunnies were tiny, and a mother bunny did not appear in sight. It was a sweet moment because the bunnies needed nurturing and would now get the help they needed.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

A British Columbia man proved he has an extraordinary talent. We are all about his ability to persuade the baby bunnies to be his friends and come out of hiding. He made a sucking noise with his teeth and said, “Hello, my guy.” The man repeatedly says hi to the bunnies in a friendly manner.

The bunnies kept coming closer from the coaching and were trying to pick up the man’s scent as they came closer. The man even fondly referred to one of the bunnies as “One-eyed Willie.”

It took one bunny to come out of hiding to encourage the rest of the bunnies. The bunny leading the pack almost hopped into the man’s hand. However, the bunny did sniff the man’s hand.

Baby animals are super adorable, but they are usually nervous towards the unknown. It was a big surprise that the man could coax an entire nest of bunnies out of hiding to say hello.

A YouTuber commenter referred to him as a Disney prince and not an ordinary man. Most likely because it takes the talents of Disney to get six baby bunnies under your spell. The same commenter wondered out loud if the bunnies would do the guy’s laundry later.

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