Mama Cow Keeps Hiding Newborn Calf To Protect Her From Farmer
Sep 29, 2020 by apost team
When we think of cows, we often do not think that they are very smart. To many people, cows are just simple creatures who spend their days eating grass and swatting away flies in the heat. We often do not think that a mother cow is capable of actual love and compassion. But what happened with Clarabelle the cow definitely told us something different.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Clarabelle was acting odd one day. Clarabelle was pregnant and not due for another week, or so her owner thought. She realized that something was definitely up when Clarabelle didn’t show up first to be fed like she usually did, reports The Dodo. Instead, she walked up to the paddock nervously, glancing behind her from time to time. This 8-year-old Jersey cow seemed to be hiding something, but what?

The first indication that something was amiss was the fact that this mother had an engorged teat. Had she given birth? It was obvious she had, but her owner had no idea when or where. She couldn’t see a calf anywhere. However, there was a small area in the field that she had yet to check, so she decided to take a walk out there. In the tall grass, hidden from prying eyes, was something no one expected to see–a baby calf!

Most people would now think that the calf was a newborn. However, this wasn’t the case for the newest member of the farm. This was not a newborn calf covered in afterbirth and blood; no, this was a fully dry and clean baby. It was then obvious that Clarabelle had decided to hide her young one from the farmers. This sweet mother had obviously chosen to keep her baby hidden from everyone as long as she could.

Mother cows love their babies more than most people realize. Clarabelle’s calf was found on Valentine’s Day and given the name of Valentine. It is a fitting name, seeing as how much her mother loves her! No one knows exactly why she decided to hide the birth of her little calf, but we are glad Valentine is safe and well. Clarabelle is a good mother who only wants the best for her little one. The farmer in the video ensured us that no one would ever take Valentine away.
What do you think about this heartwarming story? Let us know your opinion in the comments and tell us any sweet animal story you'd like to share. Be sure to pass this video along to all animal lovers out there!