Mail Carrier Quits, Dumping Hundreds Of Letters On The Side Of The Road

Oct 11, 2018 by apost team

In Pennsauken, New Jersey, a Facebook user shared a photo of a load of boxes of undelivered mail dumped on the side of the road.

The photo, which has since gone viral, came with a caption stating that those looking for their mail, it "may be on river road by 36st station."

The mail was left by an as-of-now unnamed United States Postal Service employee. Apparently, they left dozens of bins that were full of letters and packages on the side of the road and resigned.

Authorities found that the mail, which had been marked for delivery from a Philadelphia post office, was marked August 8, 2018.

It was later revealed that the carrier had resigned on September 8. Since then, many online commenters have taken to making jokes about this situation.

However, not everyone finds the situation funny. One commenter noted that it was "disgusting" that someone could leave other people's mail on the road, especially if it contained something important to the recipient. They concluded by saying that the carrier "should have some repercussion behind this."

Another commenter was disappointed in the jokes people were making about the situation, stating that one of the pieces of mail could've been a letter approving someone for an organ transplant.

Despite calls for the carrier to receive some sort of punishment, the Postal Service announced that, since the employee quit, they wouldn't be taking any further action on the matter.

What are your thoughts on the situation? Be sure to let us know in the comments, and don't forget to spread the word to everyone you know.