Lost Cat Thought Dead In Wildfires Miraculously Reunites With Owner After 2 Months
Mar 19, 2025 by apost team
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Katherine Kiefer, 82, endured the heartbreaking loss of her beloved Maine Coon cat, Aggie, when the devastating Palisades fire in Los Angeles tore through her home. Despite the overwhelming destruction, she never gave up hope that her cherished pet had survived.
Then, in a remarkable turn of events, the resilient feline – believed by all to have perished in the January 2025 wildfires – defied the odds. After two agonizing months of uncertainty, Aggie miraculously found her way back to her loving owner.
In March 2025, Katherine received an unexpected and life-changing phone call from the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter. The shelter informed her that they had miraculously located Aggie. Speaking with the Associated Press, Katherine recalled the tragic day of the fire, explaining that she had been away at a medical appointment when the Palisades fire spread to her neighborhood.
Unfortunately, her children, who were in charge of evacuating, could not locate Aggie, as the frightened cat had hidden herself. Though they are now back together, the road to recovery remains challenging. Aggie was found in terrible condition, suffering from malnourishment, singed fur, and severe matting. Katherine’s daughter, Carolyn Kiefer, described her fragile state to Associated Press, saying: “She was basically skin and bone and in a state of absolute starvation.”
To help with the extensive veterinary bills, the family launched a GoFundMe campaign. As of mid-March 2025, donations had surpassed $35,000. Carolyn was able to document the emotional reunion in a touching TikTok video that quickly went viral, accumulating more than a million views.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

In the heartwarming clip, an emotional Katherine could be seen extending her hand toward the cat, gently reaching out to pet her. Overcome with emotion, she soon broke down in tears, wiping her eyes as she struggled to contain her feelings. The moment became even more touching when an employee from the shelter carefully handed Aggie over to Katherine. Without hesitation, Katherine pulled the cat close, cradling her against her chest as though afraid to let go.
Carolyn, who shared the emotional footage, provided background on Aggie’s heartbreaking yet inspiring journey. She revealed that the cat was “found on our street,” the same place where their home tragically burned down. She explained that Aggie had “lived in the ashes and ruins for two months” and chose to stay “close to home” despite the devastating circumstances. Expressing immense gratitude, she said:
“We (couldn’t) be more grateful to the Westside Animal Shelter.”
She further encouraged others who were perhaps going through a similar situation to “Never lose hope.”
Fox 11 Los Angeles reported that an animal control officer found Aggie in a weakened state, wandering through the neighborhood near her home on Bestor Boulevard. Upon scanning her microchip, officials contacted Katherine, initiating the heartwarming reunification process.
Speaking with Fox 11 Los Angeles, Katherine admitted that she “didn’t think I’d ever see her again,” explaining there was “just such a connection, it’s sort of like you have with your children. She really means – I don’t want to say ‘everything’ – but that’s the only word that comes to mind.”
Continuing, she reflected:
“I just didn’t think I’d ever really get past losing her,” before concluding with deep sentiment that Aggie “really has nine lives… Just don’t give up hope. Don’t underestimate cats.”
On Mar. 13, 2025, after months of uncertainty, Aggie returned home to her owner.

Miracles can happen when we least expect them – just like Aggie’s journey home. Have you ever reunited with a lost pet? Let us know, and then pass this story on to fellow pet lovers!