Little Girl Sprung Onstage And Immediately Stole The Show - She Will Make Your Day
Jun 03, 2019 by apost team
Zumba, the Latin-derived exercise/dance craze, making history these days, has only deepened its popularity with a new discovery. The mother of a darling 6-year-old, Audrey Nethery, is herself a zany Zumba dancer. Haise, Audrey's mother, was so impressed with her daughter's performances that she posted videos on the Internet. The Zumba people took notice, and a star was born.

What makes Audrey of Louisville, KY, even more, special is that she has a debilitating disease known as Diamond-Blackfan Anemia which inhibits the production of red blood cells. This anemic condition can cause a lack of energy, but at least it does not appear so for Audrey.

When the Zumba people saw the videos, they invited her to dance with a group of Zumba instructors at the International Zumba Conference in Orlando, FL. All eyes were on little Audrey as she danced her way into the hearts of all who watched.
The Florida performance was not the only honor for Audrey. She also took a magical trip to Disney World while in Orlando.

Her mother was delighted that her daughter was recognized by the group. She posted the video of Audrey's Florida performance with them.
Along with the video, she wrote a note of thanks that read, "Thanks so much, Zumba!!! We appreciate everything you have done for our family!!!"
You can be sure that Zumba also appreciates everything Audrey did to make their performance a most memorable and special one.
Did Audrey inspire you? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to inspire them, too!