Leaving a Water Bottle in a Hot Car Is Bad: Here's Why

Jun 20, 2018 by apost team

Everyone knows that you should never leave hairspray or ice cream in a hot car, but few pay mind to the fact that leaving a water bottle in a high temperature car can have just as devastating consequences. While you can grasp the concept of not doing it, it is important to know why.

Chemical Contamination

Plastic is loaded with chemicals that are contained under the proper temperature. When these chemicals heat up, though, they begin to exude right out of the bottle and into the water itself. Drinking said chemicals can make you sick, especially if it is a common habit.


A Breeding Ground for Bacteria

People believe that heat kills bacteria and, while that's true in some cases, it actually allows them to thrive. Everything in life, including you, contains bacteria, so that refreshing water bottle in your car is populating itself with harmful microorganisms the longer you allow it to sit there.

Only You Can Prevent Car Fires

Few people correlate water with fire, but your go-to water bottle in the car could pose a threat for fire danger. Dioni Amuchastegui of Idaho reported that the light from the sun reflected off his water bottle and began to set his car seat ablaze. If avoiding a car fire is not enough incentive to not leave a water bottle in the car, what is?

The Cancer Debate: Does This Action Really Cause Cancer?

Bottled water is made with PolyEthylene Terephthalate, or PET, but has been known to also contain diethylhexyl adipate (DEHA), a cancer-causing component. While it is difficult to prove that such small contaminants cause cancer, it is best to avoid the threat entirely.

In sum, one of the things most commonly left in the car is a water bottle. Whether it's for after the gym or a treat for the commute to work, it is best to avoid storing water in the car for long periods of time.

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