Labrador Retriever Teaches His Puppies To Swim

Jul 03, 2020 by apost team

This video, which recently resurfaced on the internet, shows a Labrador retriever dad trying to teach his puppies how to swim for the first time.

A Devoted Labrador Father Spent Some Quality Time Teaching His Pups to Swim

There is little doubt that Labradors are one of the most beloved of all dog breeds. There are a lot of reasons for this from their high energy to their highly social and loving disposition. They are great with kids and an ideal family pet. They can also be one of the most entertaining breeds of dogs out there. This fact was recently on display in a video that showed a daddy Labrador teaching his young pups how the swim.

It is a perfect example of how fathers often play an important role in the animal world just as they do in the human world. This happy Labrador dad sure looked like he was having a lot of fun teaching his pack of pups the things they need to know to become good swimmers.

These Pups Have One Devoted Dad

Since this adorable video first surfaced, it has garnered countless views from dog lovers around the world. They are drawn in by the heartwarming sight of this lovable Labrador and his adorable pups as they have fun in the water together.

Learning how to swim is important and this Labrador dad is determined to pass his skills onto his kids. His devotion to helping out with his pups has absolutely melted the hearts of the viewers around the world that have already had a chance to check this video out. It is clear that these pups have one devoted and caring dad.

Showing the Traits That Make This A Beloved Breed

The traits that made the Labrador breed such a beloved one are on full display in this video. The patient and caring nature of the Labrador breed is shown off during the interactions that the dad has with his pack of pups.

There is little doubt that they are all going to be great swimmers with this kind of dedication being put into their education. The video is adorable from the start as viewers see the pups excitedly following their dad down a path to a pond. Their excitement is obvious as they race toward the water.

This Looks Like One Fun Family Outing

At first, five of the six pups hang back on the side of the pond and watch their dad, but the bravest of the group goes in right away and joins his father. It is not long before the others start getting a little braver and dipping their paws into the pond.

Their dad continues to go around to different parts of the pond while encouraging the pups to join him. After a short swim, dad leads his family of pups along the trail for a nice run before they all head back to the pond to cool off some more.

At this point, the scene becomes even more adorable as everyone starts getting in on the act and swimming. These pups are clearly naturals and take after their father with their swimming skills.

Were you as entertained by this video of a Labrador dad teaching his pups to swim as so many others have been around the world? If you loved this video like so many others have, then make sure it stays in circulation by passing it on to your friends.