King Charles III Reveals Statue Of His Mother, Queen Elizabeth, As Tribute To Her Strength
Nov 11, 2022 by apost team
Queen Elizabeth II’s passing marked the end of an era for a well-regarded monarch, and she will forever be remembered for her service. For many Englishmen, she was the only reigning monarch they had ever known in their lifetime, having sat on the throne for 70 years. Back in February 2022, prior to her passing, the queen celebrated 70 incredible years as Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 Commonwealth realms.
This was not only a milestone for her but for the entire world, as she was the first British ruling monarch to reach the seven-decade mark. In fact, she made further history when she became the second longest-serving monarch ever. She was only bested by one other ruler, Louis XIV of France. The sudden loss of such a longstanding monarch was evident in the media surrounding her funeral.
Her funeral drew millions of mourners, with thousands lining up at Westminster Hall to catch a final glimpse of the monarch and pay their respects one last time. The resulting and now-infamous queue will surely go down in history as a testament to how beloved Elizabeth II was.
Meanwhile, her eldest son ascended the throne and is now King Charles III. The new head of state, since his mother’s passing last Sept. 8, 2022, had given her mother the most touching tributes a loving mother and a queen could ever receive. It had also shown the kind of relationship he shared with her when she was still alive — one that he undoubtedly treasured.
More than a month since Elizabeth died, Charles uncovered yet another tribute that would commemorate and honor the legacy of her mother – a solid and lasting reminder of her venerable contribution to the United Kingdom and to the world.

During Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, King Charles III honored her mother by placing a personal touch on the wreath placed atop her coffin.
Each part of its foliage was carefully selected. While it was strikingly beautiful, it was also special in more ways than one: the flowers included in its foliage were requested by Charles himself.
In a tweet, the royal family revealed the wreath included “Rosemary, English Oak and Myrtle and flowers.” Meanwhile, the shades were “gold, pink and deep burgundy, with touches of white, cut from the gardens of Royal Residences.”
But what made the wreath even more special was the note that Charles visibly left in it. Many were curious about the message in his note.
While it was short, it definitely spoke volumes about their relationship as mother and son. “In loving and devoted memory. Charles R,” Charles simply wrote.
Weeks following the mourning period in the country, Charles went back to work and started responding to correspondences they had received by sending out thank-you letters, all with a sincere message from the king and a photo that encapsulated his love for his mother.
“It was so very kind of you to send me such a wonderfully generous message following the death of my beloved mother. Your most thoughtful words are enormously comforting, and I cannot tell you how deeply they are appreciated at this time of immense sorrow,” the king wrote in the letter.
On the left side is a photograph of a then 3-year-old Charles, all smiles while peaking out of a window at Balmoral. Elizabeth, his mother, is lovingly smiling above him, looking in the same direction as her child.
After two heartfelt tributes, Charles unveiled what seemed to be his greatest tribute so far to his late mother.

On Nov. 9, 2022, King Charles III, together with his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort, braved the gush of winds and light rain shower to unveil his latest tribute to his late beloved mother, Queen Elizabeth II.
Charles went to the York Minster, formally known as the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York, to formally show the public the newest statute of Queen Elizabeth.
Supposedly, the statute situated at the entrance of the York Minster was an artwork commissioned to celebrate the late queen’s Platinum Jubilee. However, due to Elizabeth’s passing, it was delayed.
“Now, as we have witnessed, with great sadness, the passing of that reign, it is unveiled in her memory as a tribute to a life of extraordinary service and devotion, Charles shared. “The creation of this statue is also, if I may say so, a tribute to the support, affection, and prayers that the community of this cathedral, and of this great city, always gave the late Queen, and all for which she stood in the life of the nation and the Commonwealth.”
According to BBC, the statute of the queen is said to have weighed almost two tons and was intricately crafted using French Lepine limestone. The two-meter tall statue shows the late queen wearing her Garter robes and the George IV State Diadem, all while holding an orb and scepter.
Charles also explained the poignant symbolism of why the statue was erected at the said location: “The late Queen was always vigilant for the welfare of her people during her life. Now, her image will watch over what will become Queen Elizabeth Square for centuries to come - a constant example of the duty and care for others and for our community, which is the calling and the duty we all share.”

Isn’t King Charles’ latest tribute to her mother touching? What do you think of Queen Elizabeth’s newest statute? Do you think it resembles her? Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends, and other Royal family fans!