King Charles’ Gesture At Balcony Appearance Showed World Of Care For ‘Cherished’ Daughter-In-Law Kate Middleton

Jun 18, 2024 by apost team

The year started off on a challenging note for the British monarchy, with King Charles III and his daughter-in-law, Catherine, the Princess of Wales, also known as Kate Middleton, facing serious health issues. Now, things appear to be progressing well after Kate made her much-welcomed return to the public eye by joining the family at the annual Trooping the Colour on June 15, 2024.

Prior to his health announcement, Charles experienced fluctuations in popularity, with some periods marked by high levels of public support and others by increased scrutiny or criticism. Charles has seen fluctuations in popularity, sometimes enjoying high public support and other times facing increased scrutiny or criticism. A year after ascending the throne in 2023, he earned a 62% approval rating from the UK public. 

Kate married Charles’ eldest son, Prince William, in 2011. Celebrated for her grace, style, and charitable work, Kate has been seen as a supportive figure within the royal family. Her contributions to various causes align well with the monarchy's charitable efforts. As the future queen consort, Kate also plays an important role in representing the monarchy and supporting Charles in his duties as king.

Thus, with Charles and Kate being two of the most popular members of the royal family, news of their hospitalization led to an outpouring of well wishes and support worldwide. While Charles was lauded for being more transparent about his diagnosis, Kate’s initial silence regarding her condition led to increasingly bizarre theories and wild rumors. Finally, on March 23, 2024, Kate dropped the bombshell that she had been diagnosed with cancer.

Read on to learn more about the public’s reaction to Kate’s announcement and how Charles's special and caring gesture marked her return to the public sphere.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (2012), (IMAGO/ZUMA Wire)

The world was rocked by Kate’s video announcement of her cancer diagnosis, in which she said she “underwent major abdominal surgery” in January 2024, and that it “was successful.” 

“However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,” she added. 

Some experts raised the prospect of Kate returning to her duties earlier than expected. Royal correspondent Cameron Walker said due to “the princess's cancer diagnosis, she is undergoing preventative chemotherapy at the moment,” but suggested she may feel up to the task of taking on a few appearances should she feel like it.

“What I am hearing from those close to the Princess is that she may well decide to attend certain events if she feels up to it, and if she's keen to go,” Walker said.

However, he dismissed the likelihood of Kate resuming the full extent of her duties any time soon.

"But in terms of a return to full-scale public duties and as a full-time working royal, I suspect that will take some time,” he remarked.

As the world braced for Kate’s return, royal biographer Angela Levin said Kate needed to “pace herself” but had “read everything there, but she doesn't mean that she's coming back yet. … She needs boosting, we all miss her and want her back as soon as possible.”

However, some sources said Kate might not return to her duties in the same capacity as before. 

“(Kate’s team) is reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back. She may never come back in the role that people saw her in before,” an insider told US Weekly.

Catherine, Princess of Wales (2024), (IMAGO/Paul Marriott)

Kate finally returned to the public eye at Trooping the Colour, where she was warmly welcomed and keenly watched. At the military parade, she joined her husband Prince William, their children, Queen Camilla and of course, King Charles

It was reported that Charles and Kate had become much closer as they faced their health challenges together, and he illustrated this newfound closeness again as the family made their customary balcony appearance. Normally, King Charles stands in the center with William to his direct side and Kate beside her husband. However, this time, Kate stood in William’s usual position right next to the King. According to body language expert, Judi James, this showed the monarch’s deep affection for Kate.

“Charles let his feelings of pride and even gratitude towards his beautiful daughter-in-law be made obvious on their balcony appearance. … Kate was treated by Charles as both a status equal and a cherished relation. Placed directly next to him in the line-up, it was Kate who was given the majority of the King’s attention. Their chats looked animated and ended in shared laughter a couple of times. The way Kate leant in towards Charles to talk at the start suggested this is a mutually-supportive relationship,” James said.

The expert remarked Kate looked “relaxed as the chats went on” and that “Charles also seemed grateful for the empathetic bond with Kate,” while “looking (like he was) brought close to tears by the crowd’s support for them both.”

James said Kate and William also “treated the fans to one look of love,” explaining: 

“It was a small but hugely telling glance that was exchanged between them, with William’s puckered smile showing suppressed emotions of love, affection and gratitude, while Kate flashed back that dimpled and very congruent smile of delight to let her husband know all was well and the day had been a success.”

Princess Charlotte of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales, King Charles, Queen Camilla (2024), (IMAGO/PPE)

How do you feel about King Charles’ gesture towards Kate Middleton at the Trooping the Colour balcony appearance? What words of welcome and comfort can you offer to Kate upon her return to public life? Let us know, then pass this along to friends and family who are happy to see her back, too!

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