Kelly Clarkson Sings Emotional Song About Her Father On Idol And Keith Urban Tears Up
Aug 08, 2019 by apost team
The world has loved the music of Kelly Clarkson. This American Idol winner has touched our hearts time and again with her beautiful, soulful voice.

Kelly certainly did not disappoint when she recently took the stage again on American Idol. Her heartwarming song left the judges and audience with tears in their eyes. This previous winner had no problem getting up on the stage and singing her heart out, even though she was pregnant at the time.

The emotional song touched the judges as they sat in front of her. You could clearly see their emotions when the camera pans to them. One judge wasn’t even able to hold back his tears. That is just how good this performance was! Even Keith Urban wasn’t able to hide the fact that her singing was making a major impact on his heart. You could see it in his face and by the tears on his cheeks as she sang her heart out.

Kelly Clarkson sang “Piece By Piece,” a song that she co-wrote with Greg Kurstin. She was able to perform it in a way that truly made you feel as though you knew exactly how she was feeling at the moment. It was written from a personal experience of hers which made it all the more touching. To see Kelly return back to the American Idol stage to perform was something we are glad we didn’t miss.

You’ll be shocked at what happens just a couple of minutes after the song starts. It took everyone, even Kelly, by surprise. She even had to apologize to the audience for the reaction she had while she was singing. She had tears in her eyes that caused her to pause for a few seconds. However, the audience was mesmerized. The audience loved her singing and showed it by chanting her name over and over when she was finished.
She probably impressed everyone who was there to listen to her that day- the judges, live audience, and the audience at home. The judges even gave her a standing ovation when she was done- that is how emotional the song was.
If you are ready to watch this incredible performance that touched millions of viewers, you can find the video below:
What did you think of this emotional performance? Were you moved to tears just like Keith Urban? Let us know how you reacted in the comments and be sure to show this video to your music-loving friends!