Judges Roll Eyes When Pregnant Woman Approaches Only To Have Mouths Hang With Her Hair Raising Musical Choice
Jan 29, 2019 by apost team
While judging others is generally frowned upon in a typical scenario, many people are asking to be judged by stepping out on stage to perform on shows like the X-Factor Ukraine. However, there are times when a judge’s immediate reaction is over-the-top and unwarranted. This was the case when a male judge first saw a very pregnant contestant step out on stage, and he was quickly put in his place by her incredible performance.

The 25-year-old contestant noticed the judges' sour expression, which was a mix of shock and concern, before she even reached the microphone in the center of the stage. However, she did not let his reaction impact her performance.
She confidently stepped up to the microphone and began singing “I Have Nothing” by Whitney Houston. More than that, her performance was magical and memorable.


Some people may believe that a woman who appeared to be ready to go into labor at any moment should not be on stage. Others may have thought that the baby’s large size in her belly would impact her diaphragm and her ability to do the song justice.
Most Whitney Houston songs are challenging for anyone to pull off in a best-case scenario, so it seemed as though many factors were working against her.
More than that, she had to sing the song in perfect English even though she was not a native speaker. Nonetheless, she wowed the judges and the audience with her melodic voice and impressive range.

This young mother was not trying to steer attention away from her pregnant belly. In fact, she lovingly caressed her large belly several times during the performance. Nonetheless, the fact that this singer was very pregnant made little difference in the end. Her incredible vocal performance was the highlight of the show.
When the song ended, all of the judges clapped along with the audience. The judge who had originally made a snap judgment about the woman looked impressed and slightly embarrassed at the same time.
Do you have any experiences where you have been unfairly judged and have proven others wrong? Tell us about your experiences in the space below. And don't forget to pass this stunning video along.