Judge At Dog Show Tells Girl With Autism To "Show Off" Stuffed Puppy
Oct 01, 2020 by apost team
A dog show judge was seen on camera interacting with a little girl at the Purina Farms dog show in Gray Summit, Missouri on March 6, 2020. He adorably invited her to show her stuffed animal like a real dog for him to judge.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
Wearing a bright magenta dress, the little girl was approached by the judge who was also sporting a pink outfit. He asked her if she'd like to show off her dog, just like the other participants. Soon enough, he was examining the girl's small stuffed dog toy, just like it was a living and breathing animal.
After looking over the pup and giving her an approving stare, the judge invited her to walk the dog around in a circle. He shot the dog an appraising look, clapping and smiling as she proudly showed off the dog to a room chock full of participants.
As soon as she was finished with her walk, the girl held her arms out wide for a hug, which the judge accepted. The room broke out into cheers, prompting him to pat her on the back and let her go.
It wasn't long before the media picked up on the story. In just five days, the viral 27-second video was re-shared on twitter over 5,428 times. The video amassed over 24,000 views in just a few short hours and continues to gain traction every day.
The clip has been met with praise from video viewers around the world, reminding others just how far a little bit of kindness can go.
"What a beautiful sight. Love and kindness" one viewer expressed.
"Amazing kindness that only cost him a little time... That sweet gesture will be remembered and talked about by her and her family, probably for the rest of her life," wrote another. "What a precious and tender moment!"
Considering just how professional these events can be, it is heart warming that people still take time out of their day to make a child happy.
What would you do if you saw the girl wandering around? Do you think you would've acted just as quickly as the judge had to make the girl's day?